Heaven Is A Place On Earth (3)

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Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth?
Ooh, Heaven is a place on Earth,
They say in Heaven, love comes first,
We'll make Heaven a place on Earth.


September 12th, 5:20 pm.

Maxi greeted Tweek with a handshake, as everyone in the room sat back down. The priest took both men's hands, uniting them together. As they did so, the priest opened his notebook, so he would start reading his speech.

"Friends, we're gathered here, today, to happily unite Tweek Tweak and Craig Tucker, in marriage. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lovers, companions, and most importantly, as friends."

That was no surprise for either of them. The thing they have been to each other the most since the beginning of their relationship, is friends. Always by each other's side, understanding the other's worries and struggles, and always overcoming any obstacles.

"A good and balanced relationship, is one in
which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other. One in which neither of them is possessive of the other, and both give their love freely and without jealousy."

Stan and Kyle smiled at each other, hearing those words. They have actually talked about a lot of stuff, ever since they started dating. Stan agreed to go to therapy, and Kyle had given him the number of one of his coworkers. When Stan found out the psychologist Kyle had recommended him was actually Danny, he was about to have a stroke. He had no idea his boyfriend had developed an involuntary hate towards his friend, so it got a bit complicated between the three. He eventually told Danny about his relationship, and the man totally understood. They canceled their date without any problems, and after some time, Stan started to tolerate his existence. But he's going to a different person for council.

"Tweek and Craig have lived amazing experiences together. Good and bad ones. And I am proud to say that I have witnessed some of them, since I've known all of these boys that are here, at the altar, since they were 5. Just to give you all a couple of stories to make this more interesting..."

The two shared looks.


"Father, you better be careful with what you share."

'This is gonna be good.'

"Tweek and Craig have been together since the age of 10 years old. Amazing, am I right? I remember when they were 14, I found both of them sitting on a bench, in Stark's Pond. The two were very sad for some reason. Of course, I went to them and I asked what was going on."

"Oh no, not this one..." Tweek chuckled, covering his face in embarrassment.

"Craig looked at me, tears in his eyes, saying that their parents had grounded them, because they spent the entire night dancing to Lady Gaga. And when Craig's parents told them to either turn the music down or go to sleep, he called them, and I quote: "two homophobic pieces of something I can't say, because there are children here."

The latter cringed at that, as he heard his friends laughing maniacally behind him. He looked over at his parents, seeing them flipping him off for a short second, smirks glued to their faces. Thomas mouthed the word "karma", making him roll his eyes.

"There was also this one time, when, at the age of 11, them and these guys right here," he gestured to the others, "...were playing a game about superheroes. Craig and Tweek apparently shared a move together, that consisted of them holding hands and striking anime poses, and the damage of that move was to leave the enemies confused. And I thank Clyde Donovan for sharing this story with me."

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