Chapter 12

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Previously on Chapter 11

"It's okay, Y/N... you're okay" he said, soothingly. I just clutch his shirt as I cry softly. I feel a gentle kiss on the side of my head. I close my eyes and let the exhaustion gets to me. Then I slowly drift off to sleep.

-An Impossible Choice-



"I'm going to get you back, Y/N! You're going to be a perfect addition to my army" he said. I shake my head. "No! I refuse to join you. I'm not going to let you use me for your own selfishness!" I said. "You don't have a choice. Join me... or watch your loved ones die" he said, gesturing to the side. I turn my head to see Hiccup and my friends.

"Hiccup!!" I yelled. I try to run to him, but a group of men blocks my path. Father place the sharp edge of the sword against Hiccup's neck. "No! Don't you hurt him!" I said. "Then join me..." he said. Hiccup shakes his head, looking at me with a pleading gaze.

"No... don't join him, Y/N" he said. "Shut the hell up!" Father said, slamming the dull edge of the sword on Hiccup's head. He falls on the ground, groaning in pain. Father's goon starts to beat him up.

"No! Stop! You're killing him!" I yelled out. Father lift his hand, making his goons stop. "You only have one option if you want to see the boy you love alive. Join... me" he said. I look at him with tears in my eyes.

Hiccup screams and breaks free from the grip. He rush forward to attack Father. But before he could land a hit, father turns around and stab him. I watch in horror as his body fall on the ground, limply. I open my mouth to let out a scream but no sound comes out.

End of Dream

"Hiccup!!!" I yelled out, sitting up. I burst into tears. I feel a pair of arms around me. I relax in an instant, already knowing it's Hiccup. "Y/N... it's okay. I'm here, love. I'm here..." he said. I hug him tightly.

"Hiccup... I was so scared" I said, crying softly. He gently caress my hair. "What happened?" He asked. "I had a nightmare... y-you... died" I said. "It was only a nightmare. I'm right here..." he said, pulling away. He cups my cheeks. I place my hands on top of his. The warmth in his hands assured me that he's here... and he's alright.

"It's okay, love... I'm right here. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise" he said. I just hug him again, snuggling my face against his chest. He wraps his arms around me. I can feel comfort being here in his arms.

He pulls away from the hug and cups my cheeks. "Are you feeling okay now? You know... after what happened" he said. I nod my head, giving him a weak smile.

"He would try to take me again. I'm sure he will..." I said. He shakes his head and place a soft kiss on my forehead. "He won't... I won't let him" he said. I lean my forehead against his.

"He won't stop until he gets what he wants, Hiccup. I'm scared that he would kill you..." I said. "I'm not scared to die. I'd gladly give my life if that means I can keep you safe" he said. I shake my head rapidly at what he said.

"N-No! You c-can't d-die... you can't! I don't wanna lose you, Hiccup..." I cried out. He just wraps his arms around me. I lean my head against his chest, holding onto him tightly.

"Alright, alright... I'm sorry for saying that. I didn't mean to make you sad. Stop crying, please" he said. I wipe the tears away, only for more tears to fall. He leans forward, placing a soft kiss on my lips as an attempt to stop me from crying.

His attempt works. I'm slowly calming down. I pull away from the kiss and looks at him. "I love you, Hiccup..." I said. He leans his forehead against mine. "I love you too, Y/N" he said. I wrap my arms around his neck.


Hiccup is currently feeding me some food. I just sit on the bed, letting him feed me. He hands me a glass of water. I take it from his hand and start to drink. I smile at him as I hand him the glass.

"You should rest some more, okay?" He said. I just nod my head. He helps me lay down. He pulls the blanket up to my neck. He leans down and place a soft kiss on my forehead. "I love you" he said. "I love you too, Hiccup" I said. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

Hiccup P.O.V

I have to find the Hidden World. It's the only place where Y/N and I can be safe. The rest of Berk people as well. We can all move place there, so everyone can be safe.

I turn to look at Y/N one last time. I turn to look at her dragon. She's too big to be in the house. So she is peaking at us, with her head through the window. I walk towards her and place my hand on her snout.

"Take care of Y/N, okay?" I said. She nods her head. I turn to look at Toothless. "You too... make sure she is safe" I said. He lets out a sound of agreement. I turn around and walks out of my bedroom.

I have to work hard, to try and locate the location of the Hidden World. The faster I find it... the better. I can make sure of the people I love safety. Especially Y/N, because she's being targeted by her psychotic Father.


I sit by the maps, trying to decipher where to start looking again. I've been trying so hard, going to various places for any clue. But nothing seem to work out.

I hear a sound and turn my head. It's mainly dark in here. So I take out my sword and lit it on fire. I can see a man. I squint my eyes, and realize it's Y/N's father.

"What are you doing here??" I said. "Well well... I came here because I believe you have something of mine, and I'd like to have my daughter back" he said. "She's not your daughter. You manipulative, selfish, big headed psycho" I said. "Hmm... you want her. I can make you a deal. Choose, Y/N or Berk. I'll come back tomorrow for your decision..." he said, looking at me with a sinister smirk on his face. He gets on his dragon and flies away through the ceiling.

I just stare at where he previously stand. He gave me a choice... an impossible ultimatum. He must be out of his mind. Did he seriously expect me to choose between the girl I love... and the people I'm suppose to protect?

What should I do now?

*to be continued*

A/N: I am SO sorry for the lack of updates. I have to watch the movie again to continue. But I'll try my best to update this book until the end. Bear with me! Love ya~

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