Chapter 11

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Previously on Chapter 10

He starts laughing. "Good choice..." he said, patting my head. I clench my hands into a tight fists. I will find a way to get out of here. There is no way I'm going to let him use my magic on something evil.

-I'm Not A Weapon-


I open my eyes, still in the same position. My arms are starting to hurt because of the chains. I have to find a way to get out of here. But how?

'D/N... are you okay?' I said. I'm okay, Y/N... are you okay? She said. 'I am... D/N... we have to get out of here. I refuse to let them use me as a weapon. I'm not a weapon!' I said.

Focus on your inner energy, Y/N. You'll be able to break the chains... she said. 'Okay' I said. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I focus my inner energy and will it to spread across my body, focusing on my arms.

The chain holding my wrists starts to glow red due to how hot it is. I smirk and tug it with full force, which instantly breaks it. I fall and land on my feet.

Well done... you did it, Y/N... D/N said. I smile at her and focus on flight. I land on the chain that's holding her upside down. I focus the heat to go on my palm. I hold the chain, making it glowing red. Soon the chain starts to melt and D/N fall on the ground.

'Oh God... are you okay??' I said. I'm okay, Y/N... don't worry. Let's get out of here before they notice you're gone... she said. I nod my head in agreement. I get on her back and we start to fly.

"Hey! Get back here!!" Someone yelled. I turn to see my so called Father. "No!! I refuse to work with you! I am not a weapon that you can use for your own evil desire!" I yelled at him.

"You won't get away!" He said, glaring angrily at me. "Oh yeah? Watch me!" I said. "Shoot them down!" He yelled. His men starts shooting arrows at me. I urge D/N to move, avoiding all the arrows.

I clench my hands into a tight fists. I stand up on D/N's back, facing him. I focus the heat to spread on my stomach. I open my mouth and start breathing fire at them.

They jump out of the way, avoiding the fire

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They jump out of the way, avoiding the fire. While they are distracted, I sit back down and urge D/N to fly away. I breathe heavily, because I've never used that one. That's the first time I attempt anything like that, so it's very draining.

Hiccup P.O.V

I grew frustrated by the second. I've been trying to track Y/N. But no matter where I go, I just can't find anything that would lead me to her. There's no trace at all.

"Hiccup... you need to eat or you'll be sick!" Astrid said, trying to calm me down. "No, Astrid. I can't... I can't relax. I can't eat until I know Y/N is alright! We have to try harder!" I said.

"Hiccup!" Someone said. I turn my head and see Fishlegs. "What?" I asked. He points at something in the sky. I turn my head to see D/N. She lands on the ground, with Y/N on her back.

"Hiccup..." she said, weakly. "Y/N..." I said, looking at her wide-eyed. I quickly run towards her. She get off of D/N's back. But as soon as her feet touches the ground, she falls forward. I catch her in my arms and kneel down. She lay in my arms with her eyes closed.

"Hey... hey hey hey. It's okay. You're okay..." I said, hugging her closer to my chest. I place my forehead against her, noticing how hot her body feels. I scoop her up in my arms and turn to look at my friends.

"I'm going to take Y/N back to my place. Astrid... go and call Gothi for me" I said. She nods her head and turns around to go look for her. I turn around and make my way back home.


I don't know what to say to Gothi. I have a feeling Y/N got into this state because she uses her magic. But none of them knew about it. I've also promised Y/N that I'm not going to tell people about her being a sorceress.

In the end, Gothi just give me a sign language that I should try to get Y/N's heat up body with cold towel. I just nod my head. She turns around and leave my house. I let out a sigh and make my way upstairs.

I enter my room, where I placed Y/N. I grab the towel and dip it into the water. I rinse the water, and gently place it on Y/N's head. I sit by the bed and hold her hand gently. Even her hand is scorching hot. I let out a sigh and look at her hand. I notice there's chains mark on both of her wrists. There's also a few cuts that are still bleeding. I get up and grab the first aid kit.

I make my way back to her and gently clean all of her scars. I bandage her wrists gently, making sure to not hurt her more than she already have. I bit my lips in concentration.


I wince when the wound on my wrists starts to hurt. My eyes shot open as I look around. Hiccup jumps a little at my sudden movement. I let out a sigh as I try to steady my breathing.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "No..." I said, blinking my eyes rapidly as tears starts pooling up in them. I feel the bed dipped a little, letting me know that Hiccup is sitting down.

"What happened? Where have you been?" He asked. "My so called Father abducted me. He forced me to use my magic to torture the dragons, so they would follow his orders. Hiccup, I'm a monster..." I said, tears finally streams down my cheeks. He lets out a sigh and was about to pull me into a hug. I quickly move away from him.

"No! Don't touch me! You're going to burn yourself!" I yelled, moving away from him. "No, Y/N. You're not going to burn me... nor anyone" he said. I just stare at him as he slowly reaches out. I try to move my hand.

"Trust me..." he said. I bit my lips and gently place my hand on top of his, hesitantly. "See?" He said, smiling at me. He's alright... his hand didn't get burn at all. I let out a sigh of relief. He smiles at me and pulls me into a hug.

"It's okay, Y/N... you're okay" he said, soothingly. I just clutch his shirt as I cry softly. I feel a gentle kiss on the side of my head. I close my eyes and let the exhaustion gets to me. Then I slowly drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

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