Chapter 1

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Previously on Prologue

You're not dead, your highness... I jump at the voice. I turn around to see the same dragon. "Woah there... where am I? Did you take me here?" I said. Yes... I'm the one who took you here... she said. "W-Why?" I asks. Because this is where you're meant to be... this is your new home, your highness... she said bowing at me. "Okay... I'm confuse... W-Why do you k-keep calling m-me 'your highness'?" I asks. That is because...

You're a Dragon Princess



It's been years since D/N (dragon name) took me to this island. I'm now 21 years old. Even after years have passed, I still can't believe what D/N told me. I just can't process the fact that I'm a dragon princess. Me? Of all people... me?? The coward and useless girl. Who would have thought? Me being the chosen one like what D/N said... I find it hard to believe.

D/N is teaching me how to control my power. It appears, the mark on my right palm is giving me some sort of power. Kind of like magic. So I need to learn how to control it.

I'm trying to grow a tree. "Ravaskar!" I said. A soft f/c appear from the mark. Then the tree I'm trying to grow glows. I keep trying but it didn't grow. I drop to my knees in exhaustion. I pant softly as I try to catch my breath.

"It didn't work, D/N..." I said, turning to look at her. She raise her head and looks at me, with her blue orbs. That is because you still have doubt in your heart, Y/N... I heard her voice echoing in my head. I stand up and raise my hands in the air out of frustration. "How can I not, D/N?! Everyone kept proving themselves that they're right. I'm just a useless, coward girl! I never got things right... and I always mess things up! Are you even sure I'm the one the oracle said??" I yell out of frustration. She just keep staring at me. Slowly I burst into tears as I fall on my knees once again. I clutch my head and starts to cry harder.

I feel something soft on me, and look up to see D/N have one of her wings over my body. I choke a sob and look down. Don't lose hope, Y/N... someday you will find your way... first, you need to accept your destiny in order to learn your full power... she said in a very soothing voice.

"I'm trying..." I cried out. Come on... let's go for a fly, to clear your mind for a while... she said. I just nod my head. She leans down for me to climb on her back easier. Then she take off flying.

The wind always calms me. D/N always took me for a fly every time something frustrates me. She's the only one who truly understands me. Well... she did say that a dragon and the rider is connected both mind and soul.

We land on an island we've never visited before. We decided to explore this place. "I wonder if someone have named this place..." I said, getting off of D/N as soon as we landed.

Then out of no where, an arrow is shot and impaled itself on my stomach. D/N moves in front of me to shield me from getting hit. I jump on her back and we fly away.

I struggle to keep my eyes open as blood keeps on pouring out from the wound. I place my hand on the wound. "Waise Heil..." I said. I only manage to close the wound a little. But since I've lost too much blood it's getting hard to keep my eyes open. I fall to my side and off of D/N back, falling at a rapid speed to the ground. Then everything turns black.

Time Skip

Author P.O.V

A group of people, consists of 6 have landed on the ground. They have decided to explore to try and find a new island.

"Wow... this island is beautiful..." one of them said. "Yeah... you got that right, Hiccup..." a girl said. "Why do you think we should name it, Astrid" Hiccup said to Astrid. "I don't know..." Astrid said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Woah hey... stop..." one of the guy said. "What is it, Snotlout?" Hiccup said. "Look over there..." he said, pointing towards a certain direction. Hiccup walks forward and saw what Snotlout is pointing.

"Woah... I've never seen a dragon like that... looks like we've found a new species..." Hiccup said. Then he try to walk closer to the dragon. "Hey, wait! We don't know if the dragon is safe to be around with!" Astrid said, a little too loud. This cause the dragon to spot them.

The dragon growls at them. Hiccup stop in his spot, his mind thinking of a way to get out of the situation. The dragon didn't do anything, this gives Hiccup the opportunity to observe it.

Astrid is about to tell her dragon, Stormfly to attack. Hiccup outstretch his hand to stop Astrid. "What??" Astrid said, in complete confusion. "Look at how it stands... that's defense... not offense..." Hiccup said.

Hiccup P.O.V

This dragon isn't attacking us. The stance is defense, like it didn't want us to pass through. "I think it's protecting something..." I said. "Or someone..." I heard Fishlegs said. "What do you mean?" I asks, as I turn to him. He points at the dragon. "Look... it got a saddle on the back... and we don't see anyone... I think the rider is injured or something..." he said. "Yeah... or waiting for the right moment to attack us" Ruffnut said. "Hoo oh oh... I smell trouble around here" Tuffnut said.

I slowly turn to the dragon and walk towards it. It growls at me again. "H-hey... it's alright... I don't mean no harm..." I said. It tilts its head at me. Then it just turns around and walk away.

"Should we follow it?" I asks to no one in particular. "Yeah... I think we should..." Astrid said. I nod my head and follows after the dragon.

I wonder where it's trying to lead us to..

*to be continued*

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