Chapter 20

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Previously on Chapter 19

"You have done well, my dear..." he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. Hiccup stares at me in shock. I can see the look of pain and betrayal in his eyes. The rest of our friends also do the same. I just advert my gaze away from them. Deep in my heart, I feel so guilty for doing this to them. But I know it had to be done.

-Final Battle-


"Now... show me your loyalty, Y/N..." Father said, as he leans down so his face is right next to mine. I turn to look at him. "Kill him..." he said, pointing right at Hiccup. I stare at Hiccup briefly, before turning to look at him.

"Father... mind if you lend me a knife? Killing him with magic would be too fast. I want to enjoy it and play with him a little" I said. He smirks at what I said and hands me a knife. I stare at the hand and turn to Hiccup, as Father's men grabs him and forces him to stand still.

I make my way towards him. He stares at me while being limp. He didn't even try to fight off the men that held him in place. He just stares at me with a look of pain. I stop as I stand in front of him. I grab a hold of his hair, tilting his head up. I lean my face close until my lips is right next to his ear.

"Duck..." I whispered, just loud enough for Hiccup to hear. I pull away to see his eyes widening. I give him a look. He quickly do as I said, just in time as I swing my knife, killing two of the people that were holding him. I turn to face Father and smirks. He stares at me, fuming angrily.

"You insolent brat" he growled out. I just let out a laugh at what he said. "I should have known!! Once a traitor, will always be a traitor!" He yelled. I shake my head at what he said.

"Oh please, Father. You know fully well that I was never on your side... I betray no one" I said. I drop the knife and lift my hand. A burst of magic flows through the tip of my fingers. In a blink of an eye, everything became a total chaos. Weapons and fires are everywhere.

I turn my head while trying to fight as best I could. I start to feel exhausted, when I notice Hiccup struggling to fight a tough looking man. There's one enemy sneaking behind him. My eyes widened in horror as that man is about to attack Hiccup.

I use magic to switch places with Hiccup. I let out a gasp as I feel a stab from my back. I turn my head to where I previously stood to see Hiccup. He looks confused. He seem to not understand what just happened.

"H-Hiccup..." I said, in a weak tone. He turn to look at me. His eyes widened in horror as he stares at the sword that sticks out on my chest. I gasp as an unbearable pain surge through me as the man pulls the sword out.

"Y/N!!" He screamed out, as my body falls to the ground. It's starting to get hard to breathe, as Hiccup rushes to me. He cradle me in his arms. His body is trembling as he hug me close. "No... no no no. Why... why did you do that?" He said.

"I... I love you, Hiccup. Your life is much more important than mine..." I said. He shakes his head, as tears starts to stream down his face. I lift my hand and cup the side of his cheek. He lift his hand, placing it on top of mine.

"No... that's not true. You're as important. You're very important to me, Y/N. I can't lose you. Please... d-don't l-l-leave m-me" he said. His voice cracks towards the end. I just smile weakly at him. His tears falls from his cheeks and landed on mine.

"I'm a sorceress and the princess of the Dragons. It's my destiny to protect everyone... to protect you. So I have no regrets" I said, smiling weakly at him. I start to see white spots in my sight. My eyes flutter close. The last thing I hear is Hiccup's screams as everything went dark.

Hiccup P.O.V

Y/N's eyes slowly flutter close. I start to scream at top of my lungs as I hold her close. "D-Don't leave m-me... Y/N, p-please..." I pleaded, burying my face in her neck. I feel more of my tears starts to escape my eyes.

"Such a shame... she would have been a great asset to me if she didn't act so foolishly..." someone said. I pull my head away from Y/N's neck and turn my head, to see the man that's suppose to be my girlfriend's father. The awful man who have brought nothing but pain and suffering to her life.

"You..." I growled as I glare at him through the tears in my eyes. He turn to look at me and smirks, wondering what I'm planning to do. He let out a gasp as he stares at something behind me. I furrow my eyebrow and turn around. Y/N's body is giving off a soft f/c glow.

I watch as her body starts to float in the air. Her body starts transforming. Everyone stops their battle as they stare at Y/N.

Her whole body has transformed into a dragon

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Her whole body has transformed into a dragon. She turn to look at me. Her eyes still held their gentle e/c glows.

The dragons instantly bows at her. While the enemies just stares in fear. They drop their weapons, surrendering and some runs away in fear.

Y/N's father let out a laugh at the sight. "Yes! Yes!!! This is the power I want!! Come to me, my child" he yelled out. Y/N turns to look at him and roars loudly. He jumps in his spot. Y/N flies towards him and hovers as he falls on the ground. She places one of her front claw on his chest.

Her body starts to transform as she turns back to her real, human form. Her hand is holding him by the collar. "You are worthless... evil human. You don't deserve to be here. Your place is in the underworld where all evil belongs..." she said. Something opens up beneath her. Her body stays afloat while her father dangles.

"No... you can't do this. I'm your father. I love you, darling..." he said. Y/N just stares at him with a cold gaze. He stares at Y/N with a desperate expression, not wanting to go to the underworld.

"You should never use a word you don't understand..." she said, coldly. I watch as Y/N drops him. But before he could fall through, the portal closes which causes him to land on the ground. "Leave... and never return" she said.

He quickly nods his head. He staggers to his feet and runs off, without looking back even once. Y/N's body stops glowing as she slowly falls back. I quickly rush to catch her before she lands on the ground.

She lays in my arms with her eyes closed. But her chest rises and fall in a steady manner. The wound on her chest is healed as if it's not even there in the first place. It was like she was never dead.

"Y/N... you're okay" I said, leaning my forehead against hers. The feeling of relieved spread through my body, as I feel the warmth of her skin. I let out a shaky breath. I've never felt so afraid in my life before. But I don't have to worry anymore. Y/N is here... she's still alive.

*to be continued*

A/N: this story has turned completely different from the original animation. But I hope you guys don't mind. I mean, this is fanfiction so... yeah. Stay tune for more! Byee~

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