12| Tainted Past

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Wei Ying's breath hitched and caught in his throat when he heard the familiar name.

"Ba-Baoshan?" he repeated.

Lan Zhan looked at him.

"Elder, you're familiar with Baoshan Sanren?" Wei Ying asked again.

"Yes, Baoshan, Mingliang, and I were very close friends. Like I said, we helped each other. We were almost inseparable. We three were the closest." Lan Yi smiled.

Wei Ying also smiled.

"But something happened..." Lan Yi then frowned. "Xue Chonghai... he was also our friend. A non-bender from the Wen Fire Clan, he was Minglian's love interest. He saw the burden that she carried, having to fulfill her duties of maintaining peace and balance all on her own. So he came up with the idea of splitting the Avatar's spirit to separate the Yin and the Yang." She looked up to see the two reacting with shocked faces.

"Mingliang didn't agree. The Yin and Yang are part of the Avatar. They should be one and remain one. Not separated. " Lan Yi continued as she clenched her fists and shut her eyes. "Xue Chongchai didn't listen. He believed that by doing so, he would be able to share her burden, resulting in the existence of two avatars. One shall be Yang, and one shall be Yin. None of us allowed this, but he went and did so behind our backs. He found a ritual that made it possible. Mingliang did not survive the process. How could she? She was ripped of her spirit. The Yin and Yang were broken apart." she breathed out a shaky breath. She opened her eyes once again, but an angry glare could be seen in them.

"We should have known he had many treacherous intentions. He wanted just the Yin to separate it from the Yang. The Yin spirit took the form of a metal piece. Xue Chongchai used the Yin metal to absorb resentment and dark energy, tainting the Yin spirit. With the Yin metal piece, he controlled an ancient creature named the Tortoise of Slaughter. Mass murder of various sects and innocent lives The elemental world of bending was in shambles without Mingliang—without the Avatar. The situation was too hard to repair." Lan Yi finished

"So the great five sects joined forces to kill Xue Chongchai." Wei Ying said.

"Young Master Wei, you are indeed very smart." Lan Yi praised

Wei Ying smiled, happy to hear the praise from someone who knew his grandmaster.

"Killing Xue Chongchai, suppressing the Tortoise of Slaughter" At that time, corpses were everywhere." Lan Yi added

"Elder, where was the Yin metal piece located after that?" Lan Zhan asked.

"The Yin piece had become too corrupted. It had absorbed too much tainted energy due to Xue Chongchai's evil use of it. The Five Great Sects decided to suppress the Yin spirit by breaking it up into pieces. Spread them into four, one for each element to protect. In order to prevent the same mistake from happening again, the Five Great Sects agreed to never mention this to any future descendants." Lan Yi continued with a heavy breath. "Before Avatar Mingliang died, she made me swear to protect the Yang spirit. It took the form of this metal piece as well. I used my psyche to seal the Yang metal. And I have not been able to leave here since. Guarding, protecting, and hiding it from the world. Waiting for the Avatar spirit to heal and come back. All these years, my spiritual essence has been guarding this place. No evil has been allowed to step foot in the Lan Air Sect's Forbidden Lands."

"Afterwards, what happened to my grandmaster?" Wei Ying asked.

"Your grandmaster?" Lan Yi looked at him, confused.

"I didn't mean to hide this from Elder. I am Wei Wuxian. Even though I was adopted by the Jiang Water Sect when I was young, my mother is Cangse Sanren. Baoshan Sanren is my grandmaster."

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