17| In Meihua

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Another town situated within the borders of Gusu was Meihua town.

It was unlike Caiyi town, which had wide rivers nearby that took up most spaces. For this town, there were more solid landmasses that were home to the houses of the villagers, and the rest were the thriving sprouts of nature plantations, which mostly took up the form of trees. It was just like any town that had people on the streets. There were vendors selling their merchandise to potential customers, occasional adults walking around as they worked, and very few children playing on the open dirt road. What gave this town its special accent were its surplus plum blossom trees. They were all scattered around the area, some in groups and some alone. Shrouding the place in colors of white to dark pink that mixed with the verdancy of leaves. The town was covered by this thin blanket of plum petals that fell from the blossoming trees.

The group of benders from the Cloud Recesses mountains arrived at the small village in the afternoon, awed by the sight and beauty the town had to offer. The golden orange hue of the light made it all look so majestic to the eyes. Although they reached the town with some daylight left to spare, it was now close to the edge of night. The sun is threatening to fall behind the western mountains. Meihua was located farther than Caiyi, which took almost the whole day to travel by foot. So, it was decided that they had to look for an available inn to stay at for the night.

"Hello, are there any available rooms to accommodate us all?" Lan Huan inquired.

"Young Master, there are enough rooms for each of you," the innkeeper replied.

"Oh, then may we have one room for each individual?" Lan Huan asked politely.

"Ah, I'm sorry. But some of you must share a room for two. We only have three rooms with a single bed and three other rooms with two beds. I'm sorry, but since we are only a small town, we do not get that many visitors. So we do not have that many accommodations for many people," the innkeeper said.

"Well, it looks like we're sharing a room again, my dearest Shidi." Wei Ying said as he put an arm around Jiang Cheng, who looked at him irritated.

Jiang Cheng shoved the arm off of him.

"I already share a room with you at the dormitories in Cloud Recesses. I want to at least sleep alone without your loud snoring," he seethed.

"I don't snore! You're the one who snores! It's so loud it reaches down the mountain of cloud recesses!" Wei Ying gasped dramatically.

"Why you!" Jiang Cheng shouted, enraged.

"Then would Young Master Jiang like to share a room with me instead?" Lan Huan interrupted.

The two Prides that were about to brawl stopped and looked at him wide-eyed.

"Brother." Lan Zhan whispered in a warning tone, standing beside Lan Huan.

Lan Huan simply ignored him.

"The Wen siblings will, of course, be sharing the same room. The other three Lan disciples can all have single-bed rooms. My brother and Young Master Wei can share the same room. And Young Master Jiang can share with me," he added.

Lan Zhan's ears began tinting red, and his hands trembled slightly. He gave a small glare that he directed towards his brother. Lan Huan saw it but kept giving him an innocent yet teasing smile.

Lan Huan turned back to the innkeeper.

"Please kindly show us to our rooms, sir," he said.

"Yes, young master, right away. Those who will take the single beds, please follow me first."

"Wait! I haven't agreed to any of this yet!" Jiang Cheng tried to argue.

"Aiyah, Jiang Cheng, if I had known you just wanted to share rooms with Zewu Jun, you could've just told me." Wei Ying teased.

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