I'll See You For Thanksgiving

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I finished showering and got out, heading straight to my room and changing onto warm clothing. I had no desire to go to class today to be honest. I know it's just a six week course, and being that we will be going out for thanksgiving break in just two more weeks makes me just want to cuddle up in bed and fall back to sleep.

Just thinking of the three hours I have to spend in that class with this throbbing headache and feeling so dehydrated makes me grunt and regret last night so bad. I should have never drank those beers, I knew I was light-weight when it comes to drinking, but man... I never knew it could have been this bad.

Plus, given we only have two classes left before the final exam makes it so much more stressful. I changed onto my warm clothes none the less, putting on warm jeans that have fuzzy stuff inside, with a turtle neck in black and a dark grey hoodie with comfy boots.

I can smell the coffee all the way to my room. I made my way to the kitchen, and Russell was already gone. I saw a note next to a warm cup of coffee, a muffin, and a set of pills next to them.

Russell- I had to leave for class, take the two aspirins, drink your coffee and eat before going to class. Make sure you drink enough liquids. I'll see you for lunch.

He drew a heart at the end making my heart skip a beat as the vertigo plummeted me down like a roller coaster.

I couldn't help but smile as I read his note over and over. I glanced at y watch and read the time. It was fifteen minutes before class started. "Shit, I'm late."

I quickly ran to my room, grabbed my book bag, wallet, phone and keys before rushing out of the room.

I ran out the door, accidentally bumping onto a girl with long beautiful blonde hair. "Watch it." She says making me feel sorry. "I am so sorry." I said as I walked back and turned quickly, running down the stairs and to my class.

I made it just in time, getting there right before the teacher got there. My old school was more lenient. You were allowed to enter and leave when you wanted from your class, but here, if you were not in the doors before the class was supposed to start, you were locked out of the class.

I sat there with a huge bottle of water, downing it as I wrote away notes on my laptop. I almost fell asleep twice, but I managed to make it through.

I had felt my phone vibrate while in class, so soon as the class was over I grabbed my stuff and made my way out, getting my phone out of my pocket and glancing at it. My eyes went wide as I see a message from my dad.

"Hey sweetheart, just wanted to give you a heads up. Mom is on her way to see you. I tried to stop her, but you know how she is, just don't pay attention, ok? I'll see you for thanksgiving baby. I miss you." I grunted inwardly as I read his message.

I dialed his number, but it took me to voicemail. I hung up, getting a call back immediately from him.

"Hi, daddy!"

"Hi, baby. How's my favorite girl?"

"I'm doing great dad. What's going on? Why is mom coming?"

He grunted and I could here his buddies in the back. "Not sure, baby. But I did hear her talking to what's his name."

I knew what he meant by this. Dad didn't like Craig either, and he hated the idea that mom wanted me to marry him. Dad was obligated to do the same with mom, and though they got along well, they were not fully in love with each other.

"Oh, god. Seriously?" I protested as I closed my eyes, tilting my head back as the cold breeze hit my face.


"I know, baby. I know, I'll have to have a good talk with your mother soon as she gets back. Unfortunately, she was gone early this morning before I could stop her. Otherwise I would have prohibited her from going. She seemed a bit upset, is everything ok between you and Craig?"

"It's nothing I can't handle dad."

"Are you sure? Sam baby, I will have a good talk with that boy if I have to,"

"Dad, don't worry about it, ok? You have enough on your hands with the enterprise and family business. Craig is all talk, you know that. I'm not as naive as I used to be, I can fend for myself, besides, I have friends who are looking after me, daddy."

He chuckles, making me sigh, my cheeks turning red as I remembered this morning and the shower incident with Russell.

"Yeah, I kind of overheard a little. Is there a new boy perhaps that I should know about.?"

"I..uh.. daddy, I,"

"Sweetheart, you're a grown woman now. I'm just glad you're finally getting over Craig. He's nothing but a stupid spoiled brat. I just wish your mother could see it too." I chuckle at his words. Dad really... really didn't like Craig.

"But if there is, I would love to meet him. Why don't you invite him over for thanksgiving?" My eyes widened at my dad's request. Dad had never asked to meet any of my friends, nonetheless a guy that I might have feelings for.

"I'm, daddy, I'm not sure we're fully there just yet. We're just friends, you know?"

"We'll, if he's making you feel like you matter and giving you those butterflies, then I think he's good enough for me to meet him. I mean hell, anyone is good to meet if it's not Craig."

I chuckled at my dad's words. It's as if he rather I stayed single or married anyone else rather than Craig.

I talked to dad over the next half hour, taking a seat on a bench next to the library after walking away from class.

"Ok baby girl. It's up to you, we'd love to have your friends over for thanksgiving dinner. And don't worry about mom, I will deal with her, ok?"

I smiled in gratitude at how comprehensive and loving dad was. "Thanks, daddy. I'll see you in a few weeks, love you."

"Love you too,  baby girl. Bye."

"Bye, daddy."

"Roger, get my clubs ready, we're heading to the next hole." He yells out to his friend as he hangs up the line.

Dad rarely goes out to play golf anymore, but I guess since mom is on her way here, he took advantage to hang out with his friends today.

I sighed as I pondered on everything. If it had been this time last year, I would have still blindly gone back into Craig's arms. But things were different now. I find myself thinking about Russell all the time. And the more we spend time together, the more intense these feelings get.

The more I hope to be alone with him and the less I'm able to contain myself when he kisses me. I feel confused and lost. I know I like him, a lot, but I'm scared of what can happen.

Ok. Let's say I sleep with him, but then, what then? What if we both find it was just a mutual attraction and nothing more? What if my feelings persist and he doesn't want anything serious? God... this is so complicated.

Life is complicated....


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