Adam's Residence

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I'd be kidding if I said I wasn't nervous. Meeting Sam's dad was affable indeed. He's so much like her, easy to talk to and so passionate about his work. I see why Sam is so enamored with her studies and why she is eager to get her master's in business. She gets that attitude from that man. I just met him and I already have great admiration for him.

Mr. Adam's sent a black luxury SUV to pick us up. I wasn't used to all this fancy shit, but I remained genteel.

We had a long three-hour drive until we finally pulled up to a house with an ocean view to its left side. It was a beautiful sight indeed.

I know one day I will be able to afford my own home like this one, I just know it. I just know I'm going to get that internship for Knights Enterprise.

Sam is a year younger than I am, but if things go well between us, I don't think I'd mind doing long distance for her. She's special, far more than I'd like to admit, and far more than any girl ever did. The feelings I have for her are far superior to the love I thought I felt for Roxanne back in high school.

We got off the car and went over to grab our bags from the trunk.

Her home had a red brick-stone driveway, leading to the front of her house with a whole Spanish home feel. The walls were painted in an off-white tone with red clay tiles on the roof. You can tell that the garden was maintained by professionals. The flowers were beautiful, the trees and shrubs perfectly cut, and the grass was impeccable. Not a single yellow spot of dead grass or dirt.

"Hey, you're here." Mr. Adam's walked towards us, wearing sandals, light shorts, and a blue guayabera buttoned-up shirt with aviator sunglasses. He smiled at us as he walked towards the car.

I held my hand out to Sam as I helped her off the car and she immediately hugged her dad right after. "Hi, daddy."

"Hi, pumpkin. Hey, Russell. Welcome, please...come in," he says as he shakes my hand firmly, making me smile.

"Thank you for the invite, sir. You have a beautiful home." I added making him smile brighter.

"Nonsense, son. This is your home, please. Please, come in. Will you guys like a drink? I'm making margaritas before the game starts." he says making me chuckle.

"Oh, I'd love one, thank you, sir," Brandon adds making Mr. Adams nod complacently. "Excellent." Mr. Adams says, patting Brandon on his back.

"Daddy! You're drinking already?" Sam scolds him making him shrug his shoulders.

"Baby! Come on, it's just a few drinks. I invited a few of my workers and their families, so I want to make sure they are all well-taken care of. Come on, you know I don't do this every day." he says tilting his head to a side like a kid who just got called out on his mischievousness.

Sam sighs, folding her hands over her chest and closing her eyes. "Fine, but you are not allowed to get anyone drunk, or fall for your pranking behavior," she warns him, pointing at him as she suits her eyes.

He chuckles, raising his hands in defeat as he walks towards the house. "Ok, ok, you got me. I'll behave. Come on in guys." we all follow him inside as we laugh it off.

His house is just a big and beautiful inside, with plants everywhere. It feels like just stepped into a magazine to one of those fancy Hispanic homes. The interior depicts not only their good taste but Mr. Adams's culture as well, since Sam had mentioned to me that he was half white, and half Mexican from her grandma's side.


"You can say that again," I reply to Brandon as he looks up at the high ceilings and gawks with his mouth wide open, admiring the view.

"Oh, you're going to ruin my plants. Come on Jorge." I hear a lady's complaint coming from outside by the pool. It looks as if they were having a barbeque. Kids were running, ladies lounged in the chairs, and guys drinking beer and eating.

It looked like lots of fun, but nothing like I expected a thanksgiving to be. I mean, back home uncle Fred would do the usual; turkey, mashed potatoes, the Brussel sprouts, and all the works. But then we'd have so many leftovers since it was mainly just him and I unless Brandon and his parents joined us.

It was going to be weird not going this year, but uncle Fred sounded more excited for me to come and meet Sam's parents than anything.

"Mom is complaining already. Sorry guys, I thought she'd be out with her friends like she does every year." Sam apologizes, leading us into the kitchen behind her dad as a guy steps forward and grabs our bags away from us.

"Russ, Brandon, this is Jorge." Mr. Adams says his name in Spanish.

"Jorge, these are Sam's boyfriend, Russell, and his best friend, Brandon," he tells the guy, pointing to me and Brandon.

Sam's cheeks turn red at his introduction, but I can't help but smile, shaking the guy's hand firmly.

"Hey, good to meet you guys. I'm Jorge, Julian's manager, and accomplice," he says making Mr. Adams chuckle.

"I'll take these to the guest room for you guys," he says pointing towards the stairs.

"Jorge... Put Russell's stuff in Sam's old room, and Mija," he says looking at Kim. (sweetheart)

"You don't mind sharing the guest room with Brandon, do you? Thanksgiving gets pretty crazy, so most likely we'll have more people stay the night. Is that ok?" he says as he gives her a smirk.

Sam looks at her dad in disbelief, telling me that he's probably up to something.

"Hello, hello, where is that scallywag?" a man says from the door, and everything clicks onto what he's trying to do.

Craig comes in, with a man that looks like a much older version of him, followed by a woman with blonde hair fixed in loose curls and a white fitted dress.

I'm not sure what Mr. Adams is plotting, but I instantly feel like grabbing a few of those margaritas that Mr. Adams is pouring into those cups.


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