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I'm sailing at the maximum speed I can, not to brag, but I already have everything under control, except Enterprise's security, Enterprise is still fighting Zuikaku and the way Zuikaku fights Enterprise is an 80% chance that Enterprise is going to lose, Enterprise moves very clumsily even though she is very good at hand-to-hand fighting.

I watch the fight through footage from one of my F-18s, the reason my planes don't attack the Zuikaku is because I'm afraid one of the missiles might hit Enterprise and I don't want to risk friendly fire.

The fight continues and Enterprise begins to be pushed back, it seems that the exhaustion from staying awake for more than 3 days is taking its toll, in that Enterprise stumbles and falls, but I quickly realize that it is a feint for Zuikaku to lower her guard and it works, Enterprise shoots an arrow and Zuikaku repels Enterprise's attack, but what she didn't count is that the arrow transforms into a Dauntless and then makes an attack, practically Enterprise makes a suicide attack.

Me: Hahaha, and me worrying about that brat's safety.

I could see the Zuikaku and Enterprise disappear from the camera due to the water columns and explosions, when it all clears up I could see that the Zuikaku had taken heavy damage and the Enterprise is injured.

Me: Shit I'm so late!

After a few minutes I was able to reach the battlefield and I could see Zuikaku wounded and Enterprise is about to finish her off, but in that Enterprise's bow breaks and Zuikaku taking advantage of the moment she makes an attack against Enterprise, but I manage to get in front of Enterprise and draw a knife and stop Zuikaku's Katana in time.

Me: (Sigh) (I did it, I did it on time)

Zuikaku: (Shock) Who are you?

Me: Who am I? I'm nobody special, I'm just saving this reckless brat.

Enterprise: You're a nosy, no one asked for your help.

Me: It says thank you, you damn ungrateful brat.

At that Zuikaku makes a big jump and then attacks me with her bombers.

Me: It's useless.

My CIWS takes care of dispatching all planes from Zuikaku in a very easy way.


And the planes go down engulfed in flames.

Zuikaku: (Shock) It's impossible.

Me: I really wouldn't want to waste my energy fighting you, so get the hell out of here.


At that Zuikaku tries to attack me with her sword, but I use my bare hands and stop the sword using both of my palms and then do a spin, Zuikaku's sword being spun, she loses balance and she falls, so I take advantage and slap her in the face at Zuikaku's ear, Zuikaku falls and rolls a few meters and then she stops and looks at me very furious.

Me: take it! You have fallen.

I then throw the Katana at Zuikaku, she manages to receive her sword and then sheathes her sword.

Zuikaku: We're not done! Now...!

In that Zuikaku staggers and falls unconscious, Shokaku very worried about Zuikaku, she approaches and carries Zuikaku and then they leave.

Enterprise: Surrender! Now you are prisoners of war!

On that I stop Enterprise.

Enterprise: Why are you stopping me!? We can get information out of them!

Me: It's not worth it, they're just soldiers, they don't know anything, it would be wasting resources to keep them, if they had been Kaga or Akagi, the situation would be very different. I think we should capture Kaga or Akagi.

Enterprise relaxes her stance and then she stumbles and I manage to catch her.

Me: Hey, are you okay?

Enterprise: I'm very sleepy... (Passes out).

I look at my radar and the E-2C's radar and I see the Royal Navy fleet, the Queen Loli fleet is not coming close to our position and not even Belfast is coming close to my current position.

Me: how weird? Why isn't Belfast coming to help us?

In the anime she should help us and she doesn't help us.

Me: Ah, that must be because of my appearance in this world, if Elizabeth doesn't see that the fleet is in danger she doesn't have to let one of her powerful warriors save a damsel in distress and so Elizabeth didn't authorize that Belfast not coming because it's not necessary, so I've caused a butterfly effect...

So it's my turn to carry Enterprise so I carry her on my back but her rig and mine collide and it's very uncomfortable and I couldn't carry her, I tried carrying her bridal style but she's too heavy and I can't carry her Although I am stronger than her, it is very obvious that she is taller and bigger than me.

Me: How salty I am. 

Port: Leader!

In that I see Port Royal so I ask my friend for help.

TO BE CONTINUE...................................

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