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The Red Axis and Azur Lane fleets are in the northern arctic near Alaska, Eagle Union territory.

The Azur Lane girls do a damage count while doing some basic repairs to the most damaged ships.

London: (Reporting to the Royal Navy girls) Yes, when the combat zone has collapsed, it seems to have caused a space-time distortion that makes the place unstable.

Hood: (Bewildered) Was it all planned by the sirens?

Wales: The empire's Orochi project and that mysterious power that Enterprise showed in the previous fight, I feel like the two events are related.

QE: To prevent the siren from getting away with it, we must cut off the empire here and now.

Now the girls look at the distortion, rather, all the girls regardless of rank or nationality look at the distortion.

Columbia: Aneki, what is that?

Cleveland: As much as you ask me, it's something I don't have an answer to.

Hornet: (Concerned) What did you do sister? Where are you now?

Elsewhere is Belfast very close to the fleet, Lolizabeth had been sent to Belfast to search for Enterprise.

Along the way she meets a siren battleship, the battleship fires the moment it detects Belfast.

Belfast: Stay out of my way!

Belfast fires torpedoes and her main guns along with the secondary guns.


The battleship has just received all the destructive power of one of the most powerful warriors in the Royal Navy, the battleship does not resist and sinks.

Edinburgh: Need help?

Belfast: Sister?

Edinburg: I'm terrible at first aid and the queen kicked me out, so I was wondering if you need any help with the quest.

Belfast: (Smiling) Thank you sister.

So the two begin with the search.

Elsewhere Javelin and Laffey patrol the area surrounding the allied fleet, they are on high alert and should report any enemy movement.

Laffey: Achuuuuu! It is very cold.

Javelin: Wait a bit, our patrol shift is almost over.


In that a strong breeze hits them and she sees Ayanami, Ayanami is lost and she is looking for her fleet.

Javelin: Ayanami-chan.

Ayanami: (Disgusted) Don't suck, you guys again.

Meanwhile Enterprise has a personal dilemma, she is once again in a trance that she loses control of her body.

Enterprise: (The world used to be a very simple place, fighting is our reason for being, our enemies are enemies from outside this world, and humanity was pushed into a corner, the world was a very difficult place to live, but What was our conviction in our fights, what was it? Why did I fight? What was my conviction? Why did I always get up after falling? Why was I a cheerful and energetic girl if the conditions in which I lived so Years ago they were worse than what I have now? What am I forgetting? What? Why can't I remember? Fight? Protect?

Enterprise continued deliberating without getting an answer.

Javelin is undecided what to do, Laffey on the other hand shivers with cold.

Azur Lane: The Endless OdysseyWhere stories live. Discover now