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Near Solomon's Island there is an artificial base built by the Siren which was taken over by Un while Un ruled Solomon's Island, now that their leader is dead they all went into chaos.

In the skies there were some planes that were roaming around to patrol the skies as they wait for the enemy to attack them with everything.

At sea there are two F-35C planes flying in the skies near the site, the planes only came close to inspect the site.


[FOX 1]

The AAM missiles from the two F-35s successfully hit 5 siren planes flying on patrol and the planes fall into the sea enveloped in fire and smoke.

[I want to return to base, I'm tired]

[Don't strain yourself in tonight's raid]

[Leader, don't be like that, I'm not as good as you, but I'll still be your shadow.]

After some time after completing the reconnaissance the planes return to the Nimitz aircraft carrier to refuel.


We are in the conference room, luckily San Diego is fully recovered due to Un doing us the favor of healing Sandy's wounds when he possessed Sandy's body, now she is fully back in action. We are now in the conference room to explain today's mission.

Me: Good afternoon everyone, today's objective is the artificial island built by the siren under the command of Un, this island is as big as a rural city, this island is practically a ship since it can move at a speed of 25 knots.

Sandy: (Impressed) Incredible, a large land mass that can move at that speed.

Me: If we attack that island and destroy or disable it, the siren will lose a lot of strength, as this island can be deployed anywhere and transport planes and troops anywhere. Destroying that base is paramount and should be carried out regardless of cost.

Everyone is tense about the mission.

Me: The first phase is that I will direct the air group towards the enemy base and we will launch a large-scale unguided bombardment with my planes, the girls who stay here, you will escort my ship in my absence, in case that the base is still operational, we will go to the second wave and in the extreme case that the base remains operational at that time we will go to naval bombardment and destroy everything, that's all, any questions?

No one asks, so everyone understood.


The planes that will participate in this first incursion are already on the runway waiting to take off, after hooking on the catapult they take off and then another plane takes off, I prepare to fly one of the planes, so after putting on the suit to resist the G-forces, I get on one of the F-35C, flying this plane was my dream since I found out about its existence, it was a pity that the F-22 cannot be used on aircraft carriers, I was left with the desire to fly that plane.

NT: F for our main character for not being able to fly that plane in this world and in this life.

In the operation, the F-8 and F-18 planes will fly, since they are the planes that have the greatest bomb-loading capacity. My plane is only a command plane, but it will also have weapons in case of an emergency.

After a while it's my turn to take off, after waving to the catapult operator's cabin the plane is ejected by the catapult and takes off into the black sky.

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