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In the central area Ayanami and her friends go to the restaurant, in the opposite direction they pass Edinburg and Sheffield disguised as Miko.

The central temple of the empire is a sacred place where Nagato the empress of the Sakura empire resides and rules, currently she is talking with Akagi and Kaga.

Nagato: Simply put, this black mental cube allows us to control the mass-produced siren.

Akagi: Yes, but this is just a by-product, the black mind cube is made from the same materials as the original mind cube.

Nagato: The Orochi Project.

Akagi: Yes, it is the only hope for the Sakura Empire.

Nagato: But that forced us to attack Azur Lane.

Akagi: It was unavoidable.

Kaga: Great clashes between us and the siren, humanity barely survives.

Akagi: The Azur Lane tactic simply doesn't solve our problems in the short term, for the empire to survive we must finish this project at all costs.

Nagato: That's what I wanted to talk to you about, Professor Daiba's son has died, he was shot in the head, the professor's son was working on a very powerful weapon that would be installed in Orochi, he was also working on a very powerful engine that would drive that sea ​​colossus.

Akaki: I know.

Nagato: R&D informed us that the project would be delayed for another year at best.

Akagi: It doesn't matter, if we have to wait that long we will.

Kaga: Yes, we don't mind waiting that long.

Nagato: Fine, I'll report that to the scientists, that's all, you can go.

Both women bow and leave the imperial temple.

After going down some steps, Kaga criticizes Nagato's attitude.

Kaga: She still has many doubts, Nagato lacks determination.

Akagi: Don't talk like that, Nagato is driven by a deep feeling of love.

Kaga: But sister...!

In that Kaga tries to refute Akagi, but Kaga realizes that Akagi is not paying attention to her.

Akagi: (Looking at the black cube) But it's not enough, my love is enough to burn and consume the whole world. (whisper) Yes, we will meet soon.

Kaga: Ah.

Akaki: What's up?

Kaga: We forgot to report on that new Eagle Union aircraft carrier.

Akagi: Shimataaa.

In the restaurant of the empire Z23 Think about what happened during the attack of the Hornet fleet and how they were repulsed by an insolent cruiser who knew nothing.

Z23 just sighs and just drinks tea.

Shigure: (Shouts of shock) Ehhhhhhhh!? So that new girl defeated Kaga in a few seconds? Amazing! That was very intense!

Yukikaze: Don't worry, if I had participated in that fight, no Eagle Union and Royal Navy ship can against me.

In that Yuudachi who eats very fast chokes, but is helped by Shigure who gives her some water and Yuudachi manages to pass the piece of meat with which she choked.

Shigure: Please eat more slowly.

Yuudachi: I'm sorry. But I'm still kind of jealous of you, being able to go into battle and kick ass.

Ayanami has a flashback of everything she did in the attack.

Ayanami: (Sad) I don't like to fight, I just do what is expected of me.

Shigure: Do you only do what is expected of you? Come on friend, you are the "Demon"

Yuudachi: (Touching Ayanami's antennae) Oni da, Demon Horns.

Ayanami: (Uncomfortable) Those no horns, they're my ears.

Shigure: It's not just skill, it's also about luck, you must be blessed by the goddess of fortune.

Yukikaze: Shut up, you're cursed.

Shigure: (Furious) What did you say?

In that Yukikaze finishes her ice cream and she sees a free ice cream promotion.

Yukikaze: Oh, I won another free ice cream.

In that Shigure loses her temper and pulls 20 ice cream out of nowhere.

Shigure: Good Yukikaze! I dare you!

Z23: (Very Furious) Shut the hell up, you're bothering the customers!

TO BE CONTINUE......................................

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