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The mission was over and now the girls are back at the base, the only one who is still worried about Nimitz and her fleet who went to investigate this new enemy.

Belfast walks towards Enterprise's room, when she enters she realizes that her room is cleaner than the last time, Enterprise wakes up when Belfast opens the curtain letting sunlight into the room.

Belfast: Good morning, Enterprise-sama.

Enterprise: Good morning.

Enterprise gets dressed while Belfast helps her a bit.

Belfast: Breakfast is ready.

Enterprise: I understand.

Then Enterprise and Belfast leave the dorms to head to the dining room for breakfast.

In the dining room Nevada is the one serving the food and Enterprise waits for Nevada to finish serving her food.

Enterprise: Don't you think that's too much for me?

Nevada: Don't be modest, I owe you one for the success of the mission and for protecting my little sister. This is my way of thanking you.

Enterprise could not refuse and ends up accepting the food served by Nevada, Enterprise walks and sits in an empty place and she gives a long sigh, Belfast approaches with a pot full of Tea and begins to serve Enterprise.

Enterprise: Belfast, why don't you sit with me?

Belfast: I have my duties as a maid.

Enterprise: Help me eat this.

Belfast: In that case I will join you.

Elsewhere Vestal serves her food and she sees Enterprise eating next to Belfast, she can't help but feel happy.

Hornet: (yawning) What's up Vestal?

Vestal: Nothing, I just thought Enterprise has changed her personality a bit.


Because most of the girls have a day off after the rescue operation, the girls spend the day as they want, some are out for a walk, some run a store, some study at the academy.

At Enterprise Academy and Belfast they walk and Repulse greets her.

Repulse: (informal greeting) Hi Enterprise, how's life treating you?

Enterprise: Hi, I'm feeling great.

At that Renown walks out of a room and she is upset by Repulse's misbehavior.

Renown: (somewhat annoyed) Repulse! Don't run in the halls!

Cleveland: ¡OI! ¡Enterprise!

In that Enterprise sees that Cleveland calls her, she is very happy and smiles from ear to ear.

Enterprise: (Doubts) Now what happens?

Cleveland: I've never introduced you to my sisters, have I?

In that three other girls appear.

Columbia: I'm Columbia, cruiser number two of the Cleveland class.

Montpelier: Cruiser number three of the Cleveland class, I am Montpelier. Thank you for taking care of Aneki.

Denver: I'm Denver, cruiser number four of the Cleveland class, nice to meet you.

Enterprise: Yes, it's a pleasure to meet all of you.

Cleveland: (Happy) I'm so proud of my little sisters.

Montpelier: No, compared to you, we are nothing.

Denver: Aneki is number one.

Cleveland: (blushing) Please don't say those things.

Enterprise: (wistful smile) You guys really get along.

Cleveland: What happened to that cube we seized from the empire?

Belfast: About that, is what we were going to go now.

Cleveland: I understand, (Looks at her sisters) I'm sorry, but your sister has to work.

The Cleveland sisters understand what Cleveland means and she nods. Enterprise, Belfast, and Cleveland head to the commander's office as they have a very important meeting.

In the office on the table a Tech Box opens revealing the black cube, the girls are very surprised to see this black cube.

Enterprise: It is a black mental cube.

Vestal just stares at this black cube in amazement.

Wales: This is the secret weapon that the Sakura empire possesses.

Cleveland: Can't we use this thing to override the command of mass production siren ships?

Akashi: Orochi is the one who controls the ships, this one is only for support.

Wales: (Thoughtfully) A massive ship called the Orochi, so that's what the empire builds?

Vestal: What is the relationship between this cube and Orochi?

Akashi: No idea, or I didn't know anything until I found out about all that by accident.

Wales: All we know is that a siren gave this cube to Akagi, so we can deduce that Akagi works for the siren.

Belfast: It is the same as saying that the empire is being cheated.

Akashi: (Sad) What are you doing, Akagi?

In that Enterprise is attracted to the cube and she touches the cube, in that she is teleported to an alternate dimension.

Enterprise: (shocked) What? How? Where I am?

She sees that she is in the sea and she sees her reflection in the sea, at first it was her reflection, but then her reflection transforms into a woman identical to her, but her clothes are tattered and torn and she has a dead and angry look .


Belfast: Enterprise? Something happens?

Belfast's voice brings Enterprise back to reality, she somewhat confused looks at the cube and then around her, she is in Wales's office.

Enterprise: (Was it a dream? Did I fall asleep in the middle of the conference?)

Belfast: Is something wrong? You seemed distracted for a moment.

Enterprise: (Confused) No... nothing's wrong, I was just thinking about the situation.

TO BE CONTINUE.................................

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