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Cleveland: The base radio has picked up an SOS! It's from Dragon Empery's fleet!

Wales: What!? Quickly assemble an emergency fleet for search and rescue!

Cleveland: Ok!

Wales: Do this as discreetly as possible, I don't want to make an unnecessary fuss.

Cleveland: Ok.

Wales: One more thing, be careful, we don't know what to expect.

Cleveland: Ok.

Cleveland leaves the office and heads outside and in that she sees Hamman.

Cleveland: Hamman!

Hamman: (Irritated) What's wrong?

Cleveland: We have an order to sail, it's urgent!

Hamman: Nani !?

In that Cleveland drags Hamman, on the way she finds Nimitz and Belfast, so Cleveland recruits them.


The fleet sails towards the SOS coordinates, however, Hamman is very upset.

Hamman: I can't believe I have to get wet again.

Cleveland: (Uncomfortable) I'm sorry, but it was urgent. An allied fleet was attacked so we must rescue them as soon as possible.

Me: Contact with an enemy fleet, distance 300 km, heading 2-3-4, all are stationary.

Cleveland: Are you sure?

Me: Yes, it is a pity that this storm is very strong here, it could take off a plane, but it would be very dangerous.

Cleveland: If it's dangerous, you better not do it.

Me: (Ungh, I've played a lot of Ace combat, I know this is really bad, but I have to do this once)

Just then a glow comes out of Nimitz's flight deck and an F-18 plane takes flight, this plane is loaded with many anti-ship missiles.

Cleveland: (Surprised) Didn't you say you couldn't deploy your planes?

Me: I said yes I can, but it was dangerous to do it, plus it was something I wanted to do once in my life.

Cleveland: Anyway, check out the allied fleet and see if they're okay.

Me: okay.

Enterprise: Did they lose their way home?

In that all are surprised to see Enterprise with them.

Me: wow! Enterprise? Weren't you very hurt? I told you to stay home to rest!

Cleveland: Yes! Your Fly Deck is not repaired!

Belfast: Do you always start a mission in such a sorry state?

Me: Contact of my scout plane, I have the siren fleet in sight, apparently the combat is over, in the middle of the enemy fleet I see the Dragon Empery ship, it seems to be a Ning Hai class cruiser, The cruiser appears to be seriously damaged.

Enterprise: We have to hurry, please cover my flank.

As Enterprise speeds away from the fleet, Nimitz tries to chase after her, but she falls behind.

Nimitz: Enterprise! Don't go alone! An aircraft carrier must not sail without an escort!

Nimitz: (Fury) AAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH! What's wrong with that woman!?

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