Chapter 1 : Man on A Mission

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Season 1 : Chapter 1

" One more round. Keep going. Don't stop even for a second. It doesn't matter if you are tired... it doesn't matter if you want to die, push through it... that's how you, the masterpiece can polish yourself even more. "

Inside the white walls of his world, a brown haired boy of age 15 as of that moment, was dodging punches thrown at him, of extreme intensity coming from a 7 time Boxing World Champion. They had already sparred one another for more than 16 rounds, each round of 5 minutes each, far more than a regular boxing match.

Both of them were panting as their movement definitely got a bit sluggish, unlike the early rounds.

The 32 year old champion in front of the boy had scars and injuries all over his face and body, which he covered with tattoos. The professional boxer grinned at him like a predator as he closed the distance between the both of them and threw his left hand near the brown haired boy's midsection, causing him to receive that punch straight to his gut, but instead of being fazed, the teen without any change in his expression threw an incredibly fast jab straight on the World Champion's nose, creating a loud crack noise, reverberating throughout the whole room.

Blood started dripping through the man's nose on the white floor, as he smirked in satisfaction.

" Good job Masterpiece. Guess it's my defeat this time. You truly have improved a lot. "

He raised his hand towards the teen, who grabbed it without any hesitation, causing the older man's smirk to get wider.

Immediately he pulled his hand with an incredible force, but didn't get his desired result as the brown haired teen stood still on his place like a rock , without moving an inch. Immediately the boy's empty eyes radiated a large amount of blood lust as he immediately kneed the boxer on his midsection with an incredible force, causing him to drop to his knees. He started coughing out blood but got kicked on his head with an incredible force, causing him to fall unconscious.

But unfortunately for him, the boy was not planning to stop. As he readied his arm for another punch-

" It's enough Kiyotaka. Stop right now. "

The brown haired teen, who now goes by the name of Kiyotaka immediately retreated his arms back to himself and faced the man, calling out to him.

Similar to his own empty eyes, the man looked at him with apathy, while wearing a small frown on his face. The only difference between them was that Kiyotaka's eyes were empty and filled with nothingness whereas the older male's eyes were sharp and radiating cold anger.

 The only difference between them was that Kiyotaka's eyes were empty and filled with nothingness whereas the older male's eyes were sharp and radiating cold anger

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The older male immediately pointed towards the now unconscious boxer and raised his voice.

" Immediately take him to the nurse for a check up, while I have a talk with my 'son'. "

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