Chapter 36 : Advice

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Season 2 :  Chapter 3

"Good evening Ayanokouji-kun. "

With a small smile on her face, Ichinose walked towards Kiyotaka who was sitting on a bench scrolling through his phone, causing him to look up from his device in order to greet her.

"Good evening to you as well, Ichinose. So what seems to be the problem? Mind enlightening me?"

Hearing his straight to the point question,  she let out a troubled chuckle, seemingly a little hesitant to herself.

However she decided to remain silent for a bit, making Kiyotaka sigh to himself.

"Ichinose, I came here because you asked me for help. I think it's best for both of us if you could inform me about your problem."

His voice was the usual however if one carefully deducts his tone, they could clearly hear the tiredness behind it.

"A-ah I'm sorry for troubling you, Ayanokouji-kun. Actually the matter is…."

"The matter is…."

Kiyotaka slightly tilted his head in curiosity as Ichinose was still stammering to herself.

'Am I really getting confessed? She has the shy high school girl act going on at full throttle…

But we don't even know each other that well. Did she fall in love with me at first sight or something?'

However his predictions or fantasies, one may judge it however they want, was broken off by her suddenly yelling at his ears.

"I'm getting confessed here."



Feeling confused, he looked around the area finding no one aside from himself and Ichinose Honami.

"What are you talking about? I'm not confessing to you. You're confusing me."

"No no. Listen to me. Today one of my classmates gave me a love letter and told me to meet here. Look at this."

She quickly took out the letter and handed it to her accomplice, who looked as confused as ever, still he took it and surveyed the letter.

'Hmm...Judging by the way it is written and the excessive and pretty decorations, I doubt any boy would have the patience, and if they do, then my god, they are madly in love with Ichinose.'

"I still don't understand. What does this have to do with me?"

"Uhmmm, she is a very close friend of mine and I don't want to reject her face to face, so could you pr-"

"Pretend to be your boyfriend?"


"Why not someone else? I bet there are a lot of other boys who would love to be your fake boyfriend. "

"Umm, I just feel more comfortable with you than any other boys, excluding my classmates, whom I can't involve in this matter."

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