Chapter 83 : Calculations

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Season 4 : Chapter 6

Ayanokouji POV

"So, let me get this straight. During day 1, you made a deal with Ryuuen Kakeru of Class-C so that he helps you in trapping the so-called 'rat, am I correct?"

"Yes sensei."

Nodding to my words of affirmation, Sensei posed another question, to which Suzune briefly stopped herself from eating as she started paying full attention to my words.

"What is he getting out of this?"

"The deal was that, I'll give him the names of the Leaders of the other two classes. There was a condition in the contract that, if l want to co-operate further with him and Class-C, then I would have to pay him around 75,000 points monthly, but I didn't agree to it"

With a cocked eyebrow, Suzune dropped her forks on the plate, before tapping me on the shoulders, getting my attention.

"Wait, Kiyotaka-kun. So, if you gave Ryuuen-kun the names of the other two leaders, then why was Class-C in the last position? Shouldn't they at least get good enough points to be above Class-A and B?"

Chabashira-sensei nodded to her words and took a small bite of Cutlet-kun before wiping my face, to address them both.

"You see, the moment I rejected the further operation clause in Ryuuen's contract, it was known then and there that the moment we were finished in trapping the 'rat, both of us would snitch against each other.

A certain birdie from another Class also told me about a deal between Ryuuen and Katsuragi of Class-A, where Class-C would transfer Class-A a large sum of their S-Points, and I think Class-A has to pay back all those points as a means of Private Points in the coming months as a means of compensation, which led to Ryuuen taking a 0-Point Strategy.

And then on the third day, news came that excluding lbuki and the spy from Class-B, all the students of Class-C returned to their ship, correct?

But, it was just not those two. Ryuuen was there as well, and he already knew that once our deal was done, I would write him as the leader.

So, he tried to trap me in a Stalemate by naming me as the Leader as well, since showed him that when I went to renew the spot, it glowed green, indicating my success. But alas, all of that was simple bait while my main trump card was most probably hanging out somewhere all alone, admiring himself.

This is why Class-C took the last place since they lost around 100 S-Points because of yours truly. Otherwise, if Ryuuen didn't try to name me as well, and just accepted the defeat, Class-C would've taken third place with 68 Points. But... it is what it is, the game's the game, I guess."

As I finished my discussion, I graciously started feasting on Cutlet-kun yet again, as I couldn't help but marvel at the taste of an actual good meal instead of just fruits and burne- ahem roasted fish. While the other two women along with me were quietly eating among themselves, trying to digest the information dump that I'd bestowed upon them.

Horikita opened her mouth for a second, before closing it while subtly glancing at Chabashira-sensei who slightly narrowed her eyes at my girlfriend with a suspicious look on her face.

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