Chapter 93 : Victory

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Season 4 : Chapter 16

"Machida .... are you serious right now?", with gritted teeth asked Manabe with a frustrated look on her face. She was most probably annoyed at the fact that she missed the chance of getting 500,000 points and now she has to deal with whatever small percentage of shares she will get now. Alas unfortunately for her, she won't be getting that as well.

"Goddammit, why am I even shocked? I should've known that one of the Class-A students wouldn't hesitate to do this since your stupid 'verbal agreement' favours them the most out of everyone", said Yukimura as he pointed his fingers at me with an accusatory look on his face.

"Oi, why are you throwing Ayanokouji-kun under the bus now? When he asked for everyone's agreement, you agreed, right? Why did you not get suspicious back then? Don't try to act all smart and try putting the blame on Ayanokouji-kun.", Karuizawa looked away from her phone and glared at Yukimura as he looked away from me with an annoyed expression on his face, unable to refute her words.

"Now now guys, none of you have any fault in this since everyone agreed, am I right? Class-A got the better of us in this exam, and I hope you will keep your word and distribute the points among us, Machida-kun."

Ichinose immediately tried to lighten the tense atmosphere before her gaze went towards Machida, who was looking like he was on top of the world,  basking in his victory.

Ichinose immediately tried to lighten the tense atmosphere before her gaze went towards Machida, who was looking like he was on top of the world,  basking in his victory

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"Of course, I don't mind giving away the measly 500,000 private points to you guys since I don't require it either way. However I must say, thank you for your generosity Ayanokouji. It's because of your 'deal' that us Class-A will further take a lead in the Class battles. At first I was on edge but it seems like the Island Exam was a fluke huh? You are nothing that much.", with that Machida finished the conversation with a victorious smile as he walked out of the room, his other two classmates following him as the remaining students in the room glared at the three of their retreating backs with frustration.

", with that Machida finished the conversation with a victorious smile as he walked out of the room, his other two classmates following him as the remaining students in the room glared at the three of their retreating backs with frustration

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Attempting to form a frustrated expression, I clenched my fists in irritation as Yukimura who was accusing me before, now stared at me with a guilty look in his eyes.

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