Chapter 96 : Class-A?

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Season 4 : Chapter 19

It was around 10:45 p.m. in the night as Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, the leader of Class-D walked inside the cafe where he had the discussion with Ichinose and Karuizawa that exact morning.  Now, unlike before however, the cafe however was moderately empty as most of the students went to sleep, not bothered to stay awake for their results.

From the notice he got, the school will mostly likely reveal the results at around 11:00 p.m. which was quite late in comparison to usual.

Soon, he walked inside the cafe where he registered the presence of two of his classmates who were lazily chatting with one another, while sipping their coffee. Their distinctive hair colour combination made it nearly impossible to not notice them. As Kiyotaka approached them, they sensed his presence and greeted him with smiles, to which he nodded in return.

"It seems like we are the first to arrive huh? Good evening."

"Good evening Ayanokouji-kun.", said Karuizawa.

"Good evening Kiyotaka-kun.", said Haruka as a small smile was present on her face, before as if a lightbulb just turned on inside her brain, she started rummaging through her bag before taking out a phone, similar to that of the devices that the school gave everyone on the first day of the school. Karuizawa looked at the mobile with a curious and astonished look on her face.

"What's this?", she asked to which a sly smile formed on Haruka's face as she looked at Kiyotaka with an excited glint in her eyes.

"Hey! Can I explain it?! Please!", her actions led to Kiyotaka looking at her weirdly as he slowly nodded to her request feeling uncertain about this sudden excitement bubbling inside his blue haired acquaintance.

"....Sure, but what's with the sudden energy? Did you get high after drinking too much Red Bull or something?" Haruka shook her head in refusal as a small smile formed on her face.

"Nothing like that. It's just whenever you guys discuss exams and class matters, all of you sound so serious and dedicated, you guys look so cool!

Whereas for me, unlike you guys I'm neither smart nor do I get involved in such matters … So, when you asked me to be a part of your plan, I felt really … excited, you know? It's like a feeling of achievement and self satisfaction after you take part in a team victory of sorts. It felt really … cool. I want to experience it more, I guess."

Finishing her words, Haruka looked up to find Karuizawa staring at her with an astonished and impressed gaze as Haruka started awkwardly chuckling to herself.

"Hehe it seems like I went on a tangent of sorts. Nevermind Kiyotaka-kun, you can expl-"

"No go ahead, Haruka. I'm interested to hear your explanation as well. Right, Karuizawa?", to his words, Karuizawa vigorously started nodding her head before redirecting her smile towards the blue haired maiden.

"I don't think you've realised it, Hasebe-san, but you were the one who sounded really cool. Please explain to me what happened.", said Karuizawa as Haruka's eyes slightly widened in surprise as she looked at her brown haired friend as if she was asking for his permission.

"You really don't mind?"

"Nope. Go ahead."

Hearing Kiyotaka's words, a small excited smirk formed on Haruka's face as she lightly coughed in her hand before standing up from her chair as if she was an orator, who was about to narrate a story.

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