Chapter 89 : Game

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Season 4 : Chapter 12

"Pleasure to do business, once again with you, Sensei."

"The pleasure is mine. All the best. Hopefully this expensive purchase doesn't go to waste."

Chabashira chuckled to herself as she took a small sip of her red wine, as Kiyotaka sneakily put his purchase inside his pocket .. not wanting any third party to notice this transaction.

"The future is uncertain. However, if there is anyone in our class who gets to be the VIP, this would come in handy."

"Good to know. So, did you notice any specific oddities in the exam, yet? Like anything you want clarification about."

"Hm, not really. However there is one thing that caught my eye. I don't know if it's intentional or not, but the Dragon group consists of some very important students huh? There is Suzune, Kushida, Hirata, Ryuuen, Katsuragi,  Kanzaki ... it's almost like it's a group comprised of the class leaders except me and Ichinose."

Chabashira didn't meet Kiyotaka's eyes which were curiously looming over her, as she took another sip of her beverage.

"And? What of it? Are you disappointed that you're not in that group?"

"Not really. I was just curious about the way the students were placed. In a way, it's beneficial for me since I won't have to listen to Ryuuen's taunts all day, and I can use this as an opportunity to see how much Suzune has grown since Day 1."

"Good to know that you are not displeased about the placement. Now, you better leave, since some other teachers also have plans here. I don't want you to be seen with me at this moment."

"Alright. Thanks for the help, Sensei."

"That's my job. Don't worry."

With that Kiyotaka sent her one last wave before turning towards one of the end corners of the room, as he saw the figures of Hoshinomiya-Sensei and Mashima-Sensei approaching Chabashira-sensei.

'Guess it's my time to leave. No point in invading their privacy."


Kiyotaka in fact did not leave. He just stayed behind the wall and kept eavesdropping on the conversation of the homeroom teachers, hoping to find at least some sort of valuable information from this.

 He just stayed behind the wall and kept eavesdropping on the conversation of the homeroom teachers, hoping to find at least some sort of valuable information from this

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'I truly am a scumbag. But hey, can someone blame me though? This is way too good of an opportunity to not capitalise on.'

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