Chapter 92 : Agreement

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Season 4 : Chapter 15

Ayanokouji POV

"It's simple really ... All you guys have to do is show your emails one by one to show whether you guys are the 'Target' or not. If we figure out who is the 'Target', we will count down to ten and just as we reach 1 together, everyone will vote at the same time. With that there would be no increase or decrease from either classes and every single person will get 500,000 private points each. Quite the good deal, don't you think?"

My proposition led to the whole room turning silent as I started studying each of the reactions of my groupmates. Some were looking convinced like my classmates and the Class-B members, some looked like they didn't care like Ibuki, her classmates looked reluctant on agreeing with me, while the Class-A group appeared to be the most suspicious about my deal.

Machida looked towards his classmates for a second, who gave him a small nod, resulting in him looking back at me with narrowed eyes.

"And how will you ensure that none of the students will turn traitor amidst all of this? Do you have any safety measures for that?", he asked. His question led to the other students widening their eyes at the thought before they looked back at me with curious gazes as well.

"A safety measure? I have none of that."

Their curious gazes turned into that of disappointment as Machida chuckled at my remark and was about to comment something, however I cut him off before he could say anything.

"However, look at it from another way. Aside from the almighty Class-A, every other class is in a way a little deficient of points, no? I doubt someone would give up the opportunity of getting easy points so that they don't let the other students get any. This is a group exam right? Let's finish this as a group. Also, in spite of being from different classes, I'm placing my trust on all of you. Nobody will screw us over right?"

I wanted to laugh at my statement. Of course they would. I knew about that more than anyone else. Aside from their personal greed of Private Points, they wouldn't hesitate to throw someone under the bus to get a hand on those 50 Class Points as they too want to play a role in the Class-competition. I knew that all too well. No one can be trusted when their future is in the line.

My question led to some of the Class-C students except Ibuki reluctantly look towards one another while the three Class-A boys started grumbling to themseleves at my 'idiotic' words.

"I thought of you as someone cunning, Ayanokouji. Now after hearing your words, you sound like a cheap reboot of Ichinose. How disappointing.", said Machida with an almost disgusted look on his face, as Ichinose wore a bitter smile.

"Being compared to someone like Ichinose is a compliment in my eyes. Thanks for your kind words, Machida."

"Tch." He clicked his tongue in annoyance as I looked back at the Leader of Class-B who was at the moment discussing something with her classmate.

"What's your opinion on this, Ichinose? Do you agree with my plan?"

She looked away from her classmate before showing me a small smile of agreement.

"Um well, we don't have any problems with you carrying out the plan, but don't you think it's way too early to already carry out the decision? Why don't we just discuss and talk among ourselves first before all coming to a mutual decision?"

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