Chapter 55 : Save Yourself

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Season 2 : Chapter 22

Next day, right after class ended, Horikita and Ayanokouji immediately met each other's eyes and shared a small nod while the brown haired boy gave Sudo a reassuring nod, trying to calm his nerves. Seeing his gesture, Sudou gave him a small thumbs up as they walked towards the door.

"Going to continue your alone activities again huh?"

Satou leaned on her hand while giving them a mischievous smile.

"Poor Matsushita-san. She lost the race before she even joined in the first place."

Before Kiyotaka could blurt out sus things like yesterday, Horikita immediately pinched his arm while giving him a cold glare as if saying 'Don't you dare speak'.

'Ooh so scary •_• '

Kiyotaka complied to her words and kept quiet, eliciting a small hum of satisfaction from the raven haired maiden who then glared at Satou, trying to intimidate her.

However, Satou just shrugged her shoulders, her ever present smirk still present on her face.

"Tch tch tch, that won't do Horikita-san. Such a scary look does not suit your beautiful face and your maidenly charms. You can't swoon Ayanokouji-kun this way."

However her teasing seemed to struck a chord in Horikita's heart as she sneakily sent a side glance towards Ayanokouji who met her glance with an amused stare, resulting her to look away.

"Don't listen to what the dumb fox says, Horikita."

"Oi don't call me dumb."

"But you are. Anyways as I was saying, don't pay any attention to her words, Horikita. You're fine just the way you are. In my honest opinion, your ice cold behaviour adds more to your charm."

Hearing his words, Horikita sent Satou a smug stare trying to provoke her.

"Heh~ Ayanokouji-kun likes cold girls who always glare. Does this mean Ayanokouji-kun wants to get dominated in bed?"

'Such crude words in front of the whole class...She really has little to no shame. Or maybe she doesn't care. That's commendable I guess...

Now how should I reply to her question. If I answer specifically, I then have to answer more, however if I stay discreet, then- wait why is Horikita looking at me so seriously? Don't tell me she is interested in hearing my answer as well.'

Kiyotaka sighed to himself before shrugging his shoulders at Satou.

'When all plan fails, never forget the trump card that you always keep for the back-ups of the back-up. The ultimate rescuer in all the conversations. The legendary two words-'

"Who knows?"

Satou dropped her head on the table as Horikita clicked her tongue in annoyance, dissatisfied to here one of the most annoying phrase she ever heard, courtesy of the man she unfortunately has a crush on.

"Anyways, enough about me. Where's Matsushita?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, she seems to be a little sick. Must be because of Koenji-kun. That guy forced us in his room and undressed himself in front of us, flexing his muscles for 2 hours. Ever since then, Matsushita-san puked for about 3 times straight."

She immediately shuddered while remembering such a scary memory yet again.

"Why do you look so disgusted by it? I've noticed Koenji's figure, and he has quite a nice body, I must say."

"Well, for some of us girls, it's not about how much muscle you have, it's about the right density and the amount of muscle which suits your body structure the most.

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