Chapter 23 : Hindrance

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"Good morning Ike!!!"

"Good morning Yamauchi!!! I woke up early this morning, I just couldn't help but feel so excited for today!!"

"As you said man!! Today is going to be our heaven. "

'Ike,Yamauchi…..It's a surprise to see the two of them so excited this early in the morning. Well, for perverts like them who likes to touch themselves in broad daylight, I can decipher the reason they are so excited for today.'

"We are going to see some boobs!!!! My bois say HELL YEAH!!!!"

An awkward silence filled the room as every single female student of Class-D looked at Ike and Yamauchi with hateful glares, while the other guys of Class-D looked back and forth between Ayanokouji and the two idiots with a nervous expression on their face.

However it seemed that the both of them remained oblivious of all the hate they were receiving and directed their attention towards the chubby boy of Class-D. 

"Hello Professor, did you prepare the things I ask for?"

To emphasise their friendship,  Ike tried to sling his hands over Sotomura's shoulders. 

Horikita widened her eyes for a second, not expecting one of her only acquaintances to be friends with the two 'trashes' of Class-D.  But soon her widened eyes narrowed as she slightly turned her head and gave Sotomura a scrutinising glare, awaiting his actions.

  But soon her widened eyes narrowed as she slightly turned her head and gave Sotomura a scrutinising glare, awaiting his actions

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"My bad, Ike-dono but I will not participate in such foolish actions which puts a woman's dignity to shame. I shall retreat from this mission of yours."

With a refined and elegant voice, Sotomura rejected the both of them, causing them to look towards their bespectacled classmate in betrayal, while Horikita's eyes softened. 

The chubby boy then walked towards Ayanokouji and gave him a small bow filled with regret.

"I apologise for my foolish actions, Ayanokouji-dono.  Ike-dono and Yamauchi-dono nearly persuaded me in helping them continue their shameful mission. Please forgive me for not notifying you, the Class Leader, of such problems."

The girls of Class-D, who used to think nothing of Sotomura and associated him with the three idiots, looked at him in a new light, sensing his regret and goodwill.

"It's alright Sotomura.  I forgive you this time. Can you elaborate what 'this' shameful act Ike and Yamauchi were planning?"

As if a hawk found their prey, all the eyes of the girls of Class-D were darting between Sotomura and the two idiots, who started sweating in nervousness, all the while sending Sotomura pleading looks.

"Ike-dono and Yamauchi-dono wanted me to record the bodies of every single girl of Class-D, so that they can bet about their breast size."


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