Chapter 43 : Mob Mentality

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Season 2  :  Chapter  10

And the next day was certainly not peaceful. The problematic events still continued.

During homeroom, Chabashira-sensei had an announcement to make, which certainly made matters a lot more troublesome.

"I have an announcement for you all today. There was a bit of trouble the other day. Him over there, Sudou, and some class C students were involved in an incident. To tell the truth, it was a fight."

Immediately the class got noisy as most of the students looked towards the now ashamed Sudou.

Chabashira-sensei's face was remote without any emotions but if one observes her very closely, they could see the lingering anger and frustration present behind those brown orbs of hers.

"Uh... why hasn't the matter been resolved already?"

The ever peacemaker Hirata stood up from his desk and asked the question.

"The complaint was raised by class C. They said it was a one-sided fight. However, when we asked Sudou, he said that their claim was not true. He said that the class C students called him out, looking for a fight."

"Hmph~ how detestable red-haired kun. Just hearing about the atrocities you commited is sullying my existence, having to breathe the same air as you. "

Without even sparing him a glance, Koenji started brushing his hair while looking at himself in the mirror.

'Koenji truly is a wildcard isn't he? One moment he would be by your side, the next moment he would be  against you. Truly the definition of someone who doesn't care about anything in the slightest……

I need him by my side at all costs. And I need him as soon as possible.'

Sudou looked very annoyed at his words, but he took a deep breath, trying to compose his anger and looked at Chabashira-sensei.

"I wasn't in the wrong; it was self-defence."

"But you have no evidence. Am I wrong?"

"No….You aren't wrong. I don't really have any evidence, but please trust me."

"In other words, we don't know the truth yet. Therefore, the situation has been put on hold. The outcome will be decided on who the actual perpetrator is."

"I can assure you that I'm innocent. Those Class-C students set me up."

"He says so himself, but as of now, there's not much credibility. If, as Sudou says, there is an eyewitness, the situation may change. If there are any witnesses to the fight, please raise your hands."

Chabashira-sensei looked towards every single student, where most of them gave mixed reactions.

Some of them were glaring at Sudou, while some of them remained indifferent to the matter.

However, Kiyotaka noticed one reaction which was quite different than the others.

'I see. Her expression is certainly not normal.'

He suddenly felt a small poking sensation in his waist. He looked towards the direction and saw Horikita gesturing him to look towards the end corner of the room, where his gaze was lingering for the past few seconds.

'Horikita found her suspicious as well. As expected of her.'

Kiyotaka slightly leaned towards her and whispered in her ear.

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