Chapter 19 : Hanging Out

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"I am beat."

"Not only you. I am tired as well. It's very hard dealing with idiots, when you yourself are smart huh…"

Both Ayanokouji and Horikita at the moment were sitting on a bench beside a closed food truck. The shadow from the huge truck created a small canopy which was keeping them safe from the scorching heat of the sun.

"Well isn't this a surprise? Horikita Suzune compliments herself and insults the defectives in the same sentence. Looks like you are finally getting some confidence in yourself."

"Oh quiet will you. I'm always confident about myself. What I'm not confident in is making rational decisions. I have to do better than that."

Hearing her words, Ayanokouji leaned back on the bench while giving her a side glance.

"I think you did pretty good today though. You yourself took leadership in shutting down the Shino-something girl with relative ease. Even Hirata's snobby blonde simp couldn't counter your words. It was very entertaining I must say."

As the brown haired boy said that, his mind went towards the incident that took place during the lunch period.


Flashback 2 hours 30 minutes ago

"First of all, no one leaves this room till the end of our discussion. Is that clear?"

No one dared to make a response, as they sat still in their place. Most of them had their heads lowered down in fear, while the students who finally realised that listening to the brown haired boy would ultimately be of good to them, looked at him straight in the eye, awaiting his response.

'Well isn't this cute? Looks like the idiots finally realised their place. And it seems my actions won some people over to my side, judging by the almost pleasant expression on their faces. Let's see… the notable ones are Hirata, Matsushita, Akito and Hasebe. Well..  If Hirata supports me, his minions are bound to follow me.'

[P.s what's Haruka's last name? Haruka or Hasebe? I forgot lmao]

"Why are you trying to annoy us, you gloomy bastard? Just leave us alone, you shit head."

As the brown haired boy was about to give them further instructions about their study group, the loud mouthed blue haired girl who always hangs around with Hirata's harem stood up from her seat with a frustrated expression on her face.

The other students looked at the blue haired girl named Shinohara with expressions filled with horror. Seeing their faces, Shinohara realised the situation she put herself in and started sweating bullets from the nervousness.

'And here I thought, things will be easy. Now, how to deal with this bitc- this disrespectful woman?'

While the brown haired boy was lost in his thoughts, he received a surprising yet not so surprising help from the first and closest 'friend' of his whole life.

Horikita stood up from her seat in an elegant and refined manner and took small but quick steps towards the standing Shinohara, who looked at the incoming figure of Horikita with confusion.

As Horikita stood in front of Shinohara, the black haired maiden let out a small comforting smile, easing the worries of the loudmouthed girl. 


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