Chapter 80 : Dream Come True

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Season 4 : Chapter 3

Ayanokouji POV

Soon, both me and my girlfriend, the resident Ice Queen of ANHS, Horikita Suzune, walked inside the dining hall with newly changed clothes, as this demon walking beside me forced me to take a shower in her bathroom and even had spare clothes for me to wear.

I don't know which fact was more weird. The fact that she knew all of my measurements, or that she always kept a spare shirt for me along with her own clothes, as if she knew that one day it might come to use.

This woman is as scary as she is useful. Truly a dangerous combination.

As we were roaming through the dining hall, I couldn't help but see that unlike before the exam, this time, the room was not bustling with students everywhere. It was moderately pretty empty in comparison to before. Maybe, most of them are sleeping in their rooms after such a tedious exam...

I mean I definitely don't envy them. Not at all in the slightest. After carrying the class on my shoulders for seven days, I definitely don't feel annoyed at the fact that I have to spend my time talking instead of taking a well deserved nap.

I noticed a couple of Class-A 'Elitists' who were under the leadership of Katsuragi, quietly eating their lunch with frowns on their faces. There was a kind of gloomy atmosphere surrounding them, as if they didn't want to do anything with their life anymore.

I guess, getting such disastrous results after talking all that smack, made their fragile egos shatter to pieces. One of their eyes met with mine, as he glared at me for a second before he looked away, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

Seeing his reaction, the other Class-A students looked at me with the same hostility as well, however all of them immediately retracted their gaze, like a scared cat for some odd reason.

I found such a quick change of their reaction kind of odd, before side glancing at my girlfriend who was coldly glaring at all of those Class-A students with full intensity.

'So that's why they were acting like meek cats.'

"And these guys are the members of the best Class of the school. How deplorable."

Not that I disagree with you, Suzune. Looking down on others, not doing much work and still trying to take the credit for it, not taking accountability for their own actions and instead putting all the blame on their leader ... and just acting like stupid dumbasses in general. None of those actions depict those of the Elites.

"Hello Ayanokouji-kun, Horikita-san!"

Both of us looked towards the direction from where the sweet, melodic voice called us as we found the Leader of Class-B, Ichinose Honami, who was having lunch with her classmates on another corner of the hall.

Unlike Class-A, the atmosphere among the Class-B students looked just like usual, happy go lucky. How refreshing to see. The fact that in spite of not getting their desired results, they are still having fun among themselves instead of sulking like those Class-A 'Elites' was a very fresh sight.

Now this makes me wonder though, for how long can Class-B keep this attitude before this 'Unity' that is keeping this Class together like a super-glue, gets broken and shattered to pieces. Will they be able to keep up the same attitude, or will they crumble under the pressure? I would clearly lie to myself if I say that I'm not interested in finding out about that.

Registering our presence, Ichinose's classmates waved at us with smiles on their faces, as both of us gave a short nod in response, before walking away from them. It's not like we wanted to ignore them, but because of Suzune, we already made Sensei wait for quite some time. I don't want to agitate her even more. Sorry for walking away from you Ichinose, I promise I'll buy you a stress ball as a compensation.

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