Chapter 97 : The Finale

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Season 4 : Chapter 20

It's been a couple of days since the results of the Zodiac exam, and we all returned back to our dorms. After the results of the Zodiac exam, It was as if the entire first year batch turned around at once. For the first time in the history of ANHS a Class-D advanced to Class-A, even that within such a short time. For everyone else, it was truly what one calls a miracle. I still remember when Chabashira-sensei first saw me and Suzune after the results ... she enveloped the both of us in a big hug which made me feel some sort of way...

For some reason, I felt safe and comfortable, which was pretty unusual. I almost didn't want to let go of her hug ... but what happened next was even more shocking as I noticed small droplets of water forming near the tear ducts of Chabashira-sensei's eyes ... as she laughed it off with a big, beautiful smile on her face.

Chabashira-sensei's teary laugh of accomplishment, Suzune's excited smile of achievement, my friends' cheers and happiness ... It was at that time, I realised one thing.

In spite of advancing to Class-A being my own personal selfish mission all along, my own personal needs kind of intertwined with these people whose influence rubbed off on me in various peculiar ways which sort of made me think twice before taking every single step ... as I think to myself, will this action of mine result in anyone having to pay for the consequences....

I knew just how much screwed up in the head I was. I knew just how wrong my mentality was ... which is why whenever I interacted with anyone with a different sort of thinking in comparison to me ... I tried to learn from them as much as I possibly could.

Ignore the abilities ... Ignore the statistics ... Ignore the Talents ... Ignore the Records.

I wanted to learn 'How to be a proper Human Being to live in this society as a respectable man without causing any harm to my loved ones...'

I know ... it might sound pretty ironic coming from someone like me... but that's what I believe. These past few months, these people unconsciously helped me a lot in learning such new things and helped me experience moments that the 'Young me' would've never thought would be possible in my lifetime.

I ... never liked that man. More like never cared for him. His selfish way of dumping all his personal desires over a little child without even taking any opinion from him was pretty annoying ... him killing all the 'failures' was disgraceful in my eyes ... but even so, I never really 'hated' him, most probably since he took my emotions away at such a young age.

But I would lie if I say I'm not thankful to him. It's because of his 'Test' that I finally experienced all of these new things and I couldn't be more fulfilled than that. If there was a condition that I would have to return after three years, I still would've been fulfilled enough to return back to that place without any resistance.

But, fortunately that's not the case. I don't have any idea on what went inside that man's head when he thought that it would be a good idea to admit me in this institution.

Who knows, maybe he realised how much of a hardass he was and wanted to give me a vacation .... Yeah, no way that's happening. He is too much of a visionary to let his masterpiece lay free without any test and let it rot.

But whatever is on his head, whatever twisted plans he is making about me, I'll still be grateful to him since he gave me this opportunity to learn so many new things...

The moment I will meet him once again ... No matter what he plans for me, hopefully I won't forget to say "Thank you" to him.

"Kiyotaka-kun, what's up?"

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