Chapter 81 : One Sided Massacre

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Season 4 : Chapter 4

While all the first years were enjoying their time in the cruise ship after the gruelling week-long exam, on the other side, we see a group of five students sitting in the Student Council room, looking through all the reports of the exam that just took place.

"Hahahaha Class-C and Class-A really got wrecked hard on this exam, huh? Getting below 50 points in such a scoring exam? Utter blasphemy."

The Vice-President of the Student Council, Nagumo Miyabi smirked to himself while graciously accepting the cup of tea that Tachibana handed it to him, while staring at him with a slightly bewildered expression on her face.

"Why do you sound so happy about that, Nagumo-kun? Doesn't the fact that Class-A got humiliated this badly kind of chokes up your ideals about Meritocracy and all?"

"Tch Tch, I think you don't understand me clearly, Tachibana-Senpai. This whole Class-A to Class-D thing doesn't matter that much in the first year, since the classes are chosen by the school officials themselves. That's why I would rather wait a year and then decide which class is actually superior and which is not, after seeing their own success and failures through my own eyes.

I'm not the type of person to act all high and mighty and look down on other students only if I get 'placed' in Class-A by the school officials. The way the students are assigned in this school is kind of weird, after all. Like can you believe that someone like me and Asahina were assigned to Class-B while that loyal dog of Horikita-Senpai was assigned to Class-A."

The person Nagumo was referring to was another second year student, who was also a member of the Student Council, who went by the name of Kiryama Ikuto. The black haired boy looked at the taunting Nagumo with a moderately stoic gaze before redirecting his attention back to his book, making Nagumo's shit-eating grin even wider.

"You see? How can such a timid and quiet dog be the so-called 'Elite' while I am here? Well not like it matters to me, since they could not even manage to keep their top spot after only four months, further proving how rigged the whole class selection is. They coul-"

"Boo~ are you done bragging Mr. Notice-me-Senpai? I hate to break it to you, but I'm here to see the Exam results instead of hearing your boring monologue. I would rather watch trashy soap operas if I wanted to listen to such stuff."

Other than the four members of the Student Council, another Second Year, who goes by the name of Fuka Kiryuin, slumped her head on the desk with a bored expression on her face, while Nagumo's eyes twitched in annoyance.

"Why the actual fu- "

Immediately Nagumo met the glare of Tachibana and stopped himself from continuing his words.

"Crap, my bad. No cursing in the Council room. Anyways, why are you here, Kiryuin? Don't you have anything better to do other than annoying me?"

The platinum blonde haired girl to whom Nagumo was referring to, slightly raised her head to meet his eyes as she gave a small sigh to herself.

"Do you really think someone like me would actually take my free time off the day, come to this boring room surrounded by nothing but boring people, just so I could annoy someone worthless like you? I have my standards, thank you very much."

All the three members of the Student Council glared at Kiryuin while the President himself facepalmed to himself, having seen this exact scenario play out over tens of times.

"Then why are you here?"

"I'm just here to check the results of the Deserted Island Exam, in order to see whether there are some interesting first years who can make my life entertaining. Also, before you and Loli-senpai start running her mouth about this being only accessible to the members of the Council and stuff, I already got permission from both of your crushes. So don't start babbling right in my ears, 'kay?"

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