Chapter 41 : Weak

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Season 2   :  Chapter 8

"Sae-chan Sensei! Do we have 0 points this month too?! When I checked this morning, I didn't have a single point."

"Oh, so is that why you guys were so restless?"

"This month, we worked our asses off! We got past the midterms... So isn't it cruel to still be at 0!? We weren't late to class, weren't absent, and didn't whisper!"

"Don't go off deciding things on your own. Let me talk first. Ike, you clearly worked harder than I've ever seen you try. We recognize that. Naturally, the school understands how you feel too."

After being admonished by her, Ike quietly sat down.

'Ike's frustration is well justified. Not only did he try to reduce his perverted acts, but also he tried to cause as little of the damage he can while learning earnestly, all because of his selfishness.

So, not getting the desired thing for which you worked so hard for, must annoy you to no end.'

"Well then, these are this month's point totals."

All the other classes were relatively close to each other, excluding Class-D.

Class Points 

Class A  :  1004

Class B :  693

Class C  :  492

Class D  : 91

"Huh? Is that 91? Did we actually increase our points?!"

'No shit Sherlock.'

"Don't be so excited already. All the other classes increased their points about the same amount you guys did. The gap didn't get any closer. This looks like a reward for just passing the midterm. Everyone was paid about 100 points."

Horikita, who was taking notes of every information she could, frowned to herself. She wasn't happy with the outcome of the midterms which was understandable.

'Both of us thought that the results of the Midterms would lead to an increase or decrease of Class points based on average score or percentile. But, the school gave all the classes a nearly equal share of Class Points, which neither increased our gap, nor decreased it. It's still constant.'

"Are you disappointed with the outcome, Horikita?"

"Not really. At least we got some Private Points. Something is better than nothing, after all. Also, because of this, I understood how the school distributed the points."

"What did you understand, Horikita-san? Can you share it with us? We are quite confused."

Ike, who seemed to be high on caffeine as he was taking the lead of every single conversation, stood up from his seat and looked towards the black haired maiden, causing other students to look in her direction as well.


Not understanding what to do, Horikita looked towards her seatmate for help who sighed to himself.

'What are you, my child?'

"Go ahead. Explain it to him."


Taking a small breath, she directed her attention towards Ike and stood up from her seat.

"Every single class got 100 points as a result of the midterms but if we see the Class Points closely, none of them seemed to get 100 Class Points in this month. The most a class got is Class-A which is 94, whereas the least is Class-B which is 63. Class-C got 82, whereas we got 91.

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