Chapter 24 : Manipulation

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As the boys entered the locker room, a silent atmosphere prevailed among them, following the previous incident. 

There were some boys in Class-D who were not happy with what Ayanokouji did, since they also wanted to bet on the girls, but they would never say it out loud. While the decent bunch of Class-D were thankful to their leader, since otherwise they would get lumped up in the shenanigans of the two idiots.

Ayanokouji sighed in satisfaction, enjoying the momentary peace that was created, himself being one of the main reasons to cause it.


"As a punishment for today's actions, I'm letting the both of you off with a warning."

Ike and Yamauchi let out a relieved smile however their internal hopes were shattered yet again.

"But, both of you are not allowed to enter the pool with the rest of the Class. By the time we have our swimming class, both of you would feel sick and take a rest in the nursing room. Am I clear?"


Both of them looked like they were seeing ghosts, while the girls nodded to their leader's words while mentally thanking him.

"How is that fair to us?!"

"We want to have fun in the pool as well !!!"

"It's not like you are a teacher...You are a student like the rest of us!!!"

"Let us enjoy life man…."

Both of them cried and whined in protest while looking at Kushida with puppy eyes, who immediately let out a small understanding smile at them before looking at Ayanokouji with her own puppy eyes. But before she could talk, the brown haired boy raised his hand to stop her before looking at the two idiots.

"Very well then. Since it's Kushida who is requesting me, both of you can do whatever you please, Ike and Yamauchi."

Both of them let out huge smiles before looking at the angel of Class-D with an extremely thankful smile. 

However the same couldn't be said about other students. Most of them gave Ayanokouji a disappointed gaze before minding their own business. The girls immediately looked at him with a disappointed glare. 

However the four girls who were somewhat close to Ayanokouji looked at him with a questioning gaze, while Horikita somewhat felt betrayed…..

'What is Ayanokouji-kun doing? Why is someone like him moving right in Kushida-san's palms? Is he attracted to her? But why not anyone but Kushida-san……..



It's always her. It's always Kushida-san…. What else can you expect, Suzune? Wherever you go, this girl  still won't give you a momentary peace….

No...don't think about that Suzune….Past is past. Never dwell on it...You just have to move forward. This time I won't let Kushida-san do whatever she pleases. She is way too dangerous if she has all the information. I need to stop her early on, using whatever means possible. But for my first task, I need to keep Ayanokouji-kun away from her.'

As the black haired maiden was lost in her thoughts, she unconsciously gripped her pen way too hard and snapped it in the process, causing Matsushita and Satou to look at her with a concerned gaze.  

Both of them looked at one another with small frowns on their faces before softly whispering to one another.

"Looks like Horikita-san is not happy huh?"

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