Chapter 10 : Brother

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Season 1  :  Chapter 10

" There seems to be a lot more people than I expected...."

Both Ayanokouji and Horikita entered the school Gymnasium, which was packed with students. Nearly 100 of them.Most of them were freshmen in fact. Both the teens walked at the front of the stage, where there was a relatively less density of students.As the boy was looking through the pamphlets, Horikita decided to break the comfortable silence between them.

" Ayanokouji-kun....what's the main reason we are here again? Is it just because you want to observe the Clubs of this institution ? Or do you have any underlying reason behind it? "

Horikita slightly narrowed her eyes towards the brown haired boy, curious of his sudden invitation.The boy, however, shrugged both of his shoulders and kept reading his pamphlet.

"Nothing of the sorts..I was just interested in the Club Fair and decided to tag along with you so that I don't get bored."

"Then I guess you chose the wrong person to tag along with. I'm not a very entertaining human being to be around with."

"Nonsense. You're ice queen glare is very ent-"

The brown haired boy immediately received a small glare from the black haired girl who tilted her head slightly at him.


"Ara~what happened Ayanokouji-kun? Did cat get your tongue?"

A sudden smug air once again formed around Horikita as she elegantly flipped her silky black hair. She then crossed both of her arms and looked down on him like a spoiled ojou-sama gracing mere peasants with her gaze.

For some reason, Ayanokouji found that smug face of her's equally amusing as well as irritating. So he decided to do the best thing the Masterpiece of the White Room is capable of in this situation..... Change the topic.

"Not at all. Say,Horikita are you interested in any clubs?"

Horikita dropped on both of her toes and tapped her chin with her finger. Her eyes travelled around the whole gymnasium for a couple seconds, before she sighed to herself.

"You could say the Karate Club...but it seems like it is not present here."

"Did you practice Karate?"

"Yes.. I was a 3rd Dan in Karate. I was unsuccessful in continuing my Karate lessons because of some personal reasons...It's a big regret of mine."

A small frown formed on Horikita's face for a moment, but it erased immediately as Horikita once again regained her composure, wearing the mask of a stoic ice cold beauty.

' Quite a good mask. Very convenient that she can control her emotions this well...'

As Ayanokouji was thinking this, the memory of the black haired maiden's outburst the day before then popped up in his mind... Causing him to slightly shake his head.

'Maybe not...'

The brown haired boy once again felt someone poking him on his stomach as he was brought out of his thoughts.

He looked towards the person responsible for the actions and it was none other than his seatmate.

"Ayanokouji-kun....were you thinking of something rude about me?"

Her eyes were slightly narrowed like a cat looming on its prey.

"Not at all...I was just curious. Yesterday when you were talking about self defence, was it related to you achieving 3rd Dan in Karate,Horikita?"

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