Melodious Escape ~ 3

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*Next day*

*Souls and melodies soundstage*

"Holy heck, Alec! What have you done to my husbands that they didn't stop talking about you the whole night!?" Tessa said as she handed him the sheets for practice while he chewed on the delicious cheese ham sandwich topped with some mouthwatering sauces that he never had before.

"Mmm... Noth... sorry," wiping his face with the napkin, he turned his full attention to Tessa who simply shook her head. "Nothing, I just shared my design ideas with them and asked them to look upon the assignments and projects I did in college and after that. They actually liked the eight designs out of fifteen I came up with."

"You came up with FIFTEEN DESIGNS for their crazy-ass idea! Are you kidding me!?" Tessa's jaw dropped while Alec carefully picked his sandwich and took another, small bite, trying not to look like a crazy starving beast. "And... have you not had your breakfast? You've eaten four sandwiches, honey. You're making everyone concerned, plus that's Magnus's favorite so try and not finish the whole tray. Not good to fume the fire."

"Oh... s.. sorry." Alec withdrew his hand from taking anything else from the mouthwatering menu. Yes, it was true that he didn't have his breakfast today because one, it was a strawberry pancake, Andrew's favorite not his. After a night out at Andrew's restaurant that seemed more like Izzy's not a birthday party but still a birthday party, he tagged along with him to his house, and Maryse, being the generous mother in law, did everything to please him. And two, their breakfasts were always limited to either pancakes or boiled eggs so it was his first time having something better for breakfast.

"I didn't say that you should stop eating yours," Tessa said in a concerned voice. "Is everything alright in your house? You can talk to us about your problems. We're all family here."

"Yeah, everything's fine. It's just that we don't have enough money to afford things so it's just simple eggs or sometimes only coffee. I used to eat at my cafe and sometimes sneak left out. My siblings earn decent but I don't like to take favors, especially money favors. It just... doesn't feel right. So... yeah, I didn't have breakfast today." He bit his lip as every eye fell upon him.

"Dude that's sad and messed up. No offense, but why does it sound like your family doesn't support you?" Simon said as he turned his attention from his phone to Alec.

"It's not like they don't support me, Simon. They're... just... they... have a different outlook since I'm the eldest male in the family."

"That sounded like a complete orthodox mentality!" Clary said, "You don't need to defend them, Alec, and if you wanna talk, we're all here for you."

"Thanks, Clary," Alec smiled, picked up the sandwich, and bit into it, cherishing the taste and trying not to look like an insane person at the same time.

"Morning everyone!" Came a cheerful voice as the door of the canteen swung open and Magnus, dressed in the most astonishing outfit Alec had ever seen, walked in like a runway model.

"Ooo... look at you, handsome!" Maia whistled and the way Magnus twirled had Alec's jaw hit the ground. The suit Magnus wore was a soft shade of burgundy paired with a charcoal gray shirt and double-breasted long jacket with gold embellishments, and his makeup was cheery on the cake. His eyes were popping out because of the dark kohl and winged eyeliner he wore and the light amount of glitter on his spiked up hair was shimmering with the reflection of lights, as if giving him his own personal spotlight.

"Wow!" The words left Alec's mouth before he could stop them earning the man's attention who greeted him with a bright smile.

"Well, thank you, Alexander." Magnus said in a singing tone, "Oh, is it okay if I call you Alexander? I saw your full name on the form. I can call you Alec but Alexander has a different tone to it and I really love it. I won't if you-"

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