Melodious Escape ~ 4

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*Next day*

*Souls and melodies soundstage*

Alec's foot halted when he noticed Ragnor sitting in the center of the stage, legs crossed, a stern expression on his face while others were standing around him, gaze concerned as if waiting for him to arrive and get scolded together like a group of naughty children. Swallowing a big lump, he slowly walked in and every attention turned towards him as if he was the culprit.

"What's... going on?"

"Alec, actually, can you ex-"

"Shut up, Simon!" Ragnor snapped and narrowed his eyes at him, making his heartbeats go high. "Boy! You're talented, agreed. But that doesn't mean you'd run your own rules here! You can't come and go at your own damn will! I understand your reaction after what my idiot friend did," he paused and shot a deadly glare at Magnus and Alec realized that he must've told everyone about their... almost kiss. "But that doesn't mean you'd vanish for the whole day without informing only to show up the next day just to waste my time!"

Gulping, he looked at others who were eyeing him with concern and questioning gazes. "W..what?"

"Alec," Tessa broke the silence, cutting the heavy aura settling in the surrounding area. "I was trying to reach out to you last evening. Jem said you left early when I called him. And your cell was unreachable after that. You were needed for practice so that Ragnor can listen to it today and we can follow up with the recording. It was already scheduled. Where were you?"

"Shit! My phone!" Frantically searching his pockets, he found it in the inner pocket of his jacket, switched off and screen cracked and he remembered that after dinner with Andrew, that he couldn't say no to, they got into an argument because he wasn't in the mood for sex and Andrew slammed his phone into the wall and walked out, only to come back after minutes and try to seduce him again.

"I'm sorry. I got a call from my sister to help her at her gym. Her gym has no phone policy, even for families. I forgot it her place when I went back to my house. She gave it to me later at dinner time and... it's been like this ever since. I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"Why did you even go to your sister's workplace when you knew you could be needed here?" Ragnor raised a questioning brow at him.

"I'm really sorry but she said she needed a designer's eye to look for color combinations for some of her specific types of equipment and to decorate a locker for a request from a special client. Andrew Hale." Everyone froze at the mention of Andrew, just as he thought.

"Say what again!?" Simon asked, jaw dropped and eyes wide.

"Andrew frequents her gym and she's his big fan. When she told me, I couldn't help myself. I've heard so much about him from you all, so I thought I'd see personally about her experience with him and also try to analyze his personality from his color choice. I might add, it's awful. She said he was really sweet-spoken and friendly, nothing bad actually. He even gifted her a gown from his latest collection."

"Friendly my ass!" Magnus spat. "Can you tell us his color choice? I'm really curious to know what that asshole likes."

"I don't want to give you a heart attack, Magnus," Alec said. Of course, he knew his fiancé's choices and as a designer with a great color sense, Andrew's color choices never made sense to him but he never had the courage to tell him off.

"That bad? Now I'm curious." Magnus batted his lashes and the way a small pout crept on his lips made him want to just admire that face all day long. Why was that man making him feel these things? Why was he attracted to him so much?

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