Thunderstorms and cuddles.

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!W: Mention of light smut!


A soft tug at his lower area which gently kept increasing woke Alec up. He stirred a little resulting in stopping the motion but kept his eyes closed and steadied, making the tugs start again after a few seconds. He bit the inside of his cheek when he realised what was happening. His husband's hand was inside his boxers, tugging his length in soft and gentle strokes and his thumb was caressing the slit making him suppress the moan that he was desperate to let out.

Why was Magnus giving him a handjob in the middle of the night, that too without his consent, he had no idea. The cold metal of his rings that touched his bare skin there gave him a shiver running down his body. As he kept pretending to sleep, the speed of the strokes increased and he heard the familiar beautiful soft moan of his husband which was always music to his ears following with the string of cuss words.

He slowly opened his eyes a little only to see the beautiful sight of his husband stroking himself. Magnus' eyes were closed, lips slightly parted, his soft black hairs were falling over his eyes and his hands were stroking both of their lengths in a rhythmic motion. The windows were open causing the cold wind to direct into their room as the soft drizzles patted against the glass of the window and windowsill. Their blanket was softly dancing on the rhythm of the winds as Magnus kept up with his actions.

"Care to tell me why my husband is giving me a handjob without my consent in the middle of the night?" Alec asked, his voice husky and deep from just waking up.

Magnus froze in his place as his hands stopped the action. He gulped before slowly opening his eyes only to find the sleepy hazel ones looking at him sternly. He licked his lips as his heart started racing so fast that he was able to hear it clearly.

"A... Alexander... I..." He tried to speak which was barely above a whisper. As on cue, a thunder rumbled loudly in the sky starling him in the process. He blinked his eyes only to notice Alec biting his lower lip, a clear sign that he was trying to suppress his smile. He cursed himself for getting frightened so easily.

"I what love? You were clearly not trying to wake me up, were you?"

"I'm... I'm sorry. I couldn't sleep and was..." He cleared his throat as his cheeks became red. "You were sleeping so peacefully... adorably, I didn't want to wake you up. So..." He lowered his eyes and removed his hands from both their lengths.

"So? Does it give you the right to do anything without my consent?" He spoke in an even tone.

"No.." Magnus answered, his voice barely above a whisper as he averted his eyes, unable to look Alec in the eyes and tugged at the blanket. "I'm sorry."

The thunder roared in the vastness of the sky once again and the cold wind clashed against their open windows making them flap loudly. Alec eyed the weather outside then glanced at his husband who was unaffected by it this time and was still tugging at the blanket while casting his eyes on the blue silk sheets. He sighed then put his finger below his chin and tilted his face upwards.

"Apology accepted, but only if you promise never to do something like this. If I caught you red-handed ever again, it won't be good, especially for our marriage. I won't tolerate it, Magnus."

"I promise, I promise I will never do anything without your consent. I'm really sorry!" Magnus quickly spoke as soon as his mind processed the fact of what his lust-filled mind did. If he would have gone any further he... no, never. He would never forgive himself for what he almost did.

"Hey... I know you will never do something like that, love. Don't cry, please. Was I too harsh on my words?" Alec asked as soon as he heard a sob.

"What, cry? Yes, I'm ashamed and upset but I'm not crying. Why do ask that?" He frowned but then he heard a sob too and gulped. "Al... Alexander... you heard that?" He whispered.

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