The Return - Chapter 3

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Warning - Use of strong language


*Lunch time*

" we're striking that off as well." Luke's voice reached Alec's ears as they sat on the dining table, noticing the four agents of their family sitting in the living area, discussing the case while a bunch of stuff was scattered on the coffee table.

"Have they eaten anything since morning?" He asked.

"I'm afraid not," Simon said. "I've tried so much to make them eat, heck even breathe but since the time Clary gave that ultimatum they have become superhuman. I swear, this case is going to give all of us nightmares, cop or not!"

"And I've never seen my husband that desperate before." Jocelyn said, "I just hope he'll not lose himself while solving this case."

"Same, mom has gone insane." Aline chimed and Alec sighed, glancing towards the direction they were sitting.

"Are you four serious!?" He slightly raised the octave of his voice, and four of them turned towards him.

"Kiddo, you were literally the same years ago, if not worse, and in every case."

"Might be, but I always ate otherwise I was deprived of something specific if I wouldn't, and being in a relationship, you all might understand what."

"Dude, I'd prefer that than not having a partner at all," Jace said and locked eyes with Clary before jumping back into whatever he was doing.

"See, nothing works!" Simon said.

"Fine, then you people won't get Bouillabaisse that I've made because I'm not gonna make it again till the time I'm here. There'll be extra for you all now, enjoy."

"You made Bouillabaisse, big brother!? Oh my God!" Izzy yelled, and all four of them turned towards him, mouth open wide.

"Dude!" Jace looked perplexed before throwing whatever paper was in his hand on the table and rushed towards the dining area followed by the other three as well.

"So when our son's gonna make our favorite then only you'll move your asses? Do you have magic in your hand, Alec?" Robert said with a chuckle.

"At least they moved their ass and stopped torturing our couch, Robert." Maryse chimed.

"Mom! Dad!" Izzy groaned, "Can you two not!? You all know this case is important."

"But you people need to eat to have the energy to solve the case and I'm tired of running behind you like a child, Lucian!" Jocelyn said as Luke sat beside her and she smacked his head with the spoon in her hand.


"Can we please eat now? We need to jump back where we left off soon and I don't want my food to get cold!" Jace said and served himself a lot of that soup earning a smack in his hand from Izzy.

"Leave for others, you idiot!"


"At least that made them eat," Patrick said, and everyone chuckled in agreement.

The group burst into chatter and everyone ate and discussed the wedding plans until Izzy's phone buzzed and she cursed loudly after checking it.

"What? Everything okay?" Alec asked.

"Yes. No. Um, no actually. Luke, it was the Indonesian Intelligence Agency, they said that the majority of those schools got shut down and their old records were burnt a year ago due to an accident. Now what?"

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