Perfect Criminal •Part 2•

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Magnus flinched when he heard something breaking in their bedroom. He was making lunch for them as it was Sunday, and was glad that he gets to spend time with his boyfriend without any disturbance, but a few minutes ago Alec got a call and he was talking to whomever it was while pacing in their bedroom, and the next thing he knew, he heard their bedroom getting trashed.

He sighed and turned off the stove, then started walking towards their bedroom to see what made his boyfriend so angry that he lost his temper completely. Whatever it was he just hoped that it wasn't about the tenth murder he did last night.

As he opened the door, a box-like thing flew just above his head, landing on the living room floor beside him and he heard it shatter. He put his hand above his heart to slow his racing beats, sighed and gulped. He walked inside and saw everything was dishevelled and Alec had now started to break everything kept on his dressing table, his stuff. His glitter was scattered all over the floor, combs were torn, jwellery boxes were broken into two pieces and all the jewelry was scattered around. He was about to reach for another box to destroy it too when Magnus held his hand and backed him off, heart racing badly in fear of what would've happened if the contents of that particular box would have fallen.

"Alexander! What are you doing? What happened?"

Alec closed his eyes and held on to Magnus' hand, breathing heavily. This was supposed to be his day off, no work, no stress, only spending time with his boyfriend, but no, that fucking serial killer had to get in his way and ruin his happy time. One more murder, he killed one more innocent person while he was enjoying time with his boyfriend. How could he rest, breathe in relief, while people were getting murdered out there! He should be working his sweat and blood off to find this killer, not resting and enjoying a sunny day at his home.

"Alexander!?" Magnus' worried filled voice brought him back to reality and he slowly opened his eyes, taking in the destruction of their room he has caused in his anger, especially Magnus' dressing table. 'Oh god, what had I done?' he thought to himself as he looked at the floor which had all the Magnus' stuff scattered broken there. His eyes softened as guilt crept inside him, he never touches his boyfriend's stuff, no matter what. He always had respected his privacy, even though they lived in a live-in relationship. Especially all his fashion stuff, he knows how much his boyfriend loves them and hates it when someone touches it without his permission. And he just broke all of it, well, most of it.

"Oh my god! Magnus, I'm so sorry. Your stuff, I'm really sorry, I was-"

"Hey, slow down, prajuritku. I can buy it again. I'm more worried about you, what happened?" He asked softly.

Alec sighed and sat on the bed. "Sorry, Magnus, I ruined our day. I had to be at the headquarters in a few hours, it's that serial killer I told you about yesterday. Apparently, he had murdered one more person, this time the famous entrepreneur Azazel Twinn. He was found dead in his own mansion on the outskirts of New York. 10 murders, Magnus! 10 fucking murders and I'm unable to do anything! Luke had already been to the crime scene and told me it's like every time, no evidence left behind. I'm going crazy, babe. How can someone be a perfect criminal!? I'm the best in our department and I'm not able to do anything! I'm not able to stop the killer!!" He took the thing which was already scattered on the bed and threw it on the floor, the thing being Magnus' favourite hair gel.

Magnus sighed, so it do was about his murders. He walked towards his boyfriend and kneeled in front of him, put his fingers below his chin, and tilted it towards him. "Alexander, it's not your fault, sayang, you could've done nothing. How were you supposed to know something like that was going to happen? I know it's your job but you need to live too. Please don't stress yourself."

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