First date

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•Part 2 of We always seem to find a way back to each other•

This is for RenuRockzz  Hope you'll enjoy it.


Magnus was pacing back and forth in his living room, fidgeting with the hem of his jacket while Max and Rafe kept looking at their dad with worried eyes. They both were sitting on the couch, exchanging a look now and then while rubbing their foreheads.

"Dad, could you please stop! You're making me dizzy!" Max complained earning a smack on his head from Rafe.

"Dad, look if you have finally found someone then we're happy for you but why are you making us puzzled? Just tell us properly what happened at the cafe and why do you want us both here? It's your date, and why are you being weird this whole week?" Rafe questioned.

"Just let him come, okay? You'll know why! But don't slip in front of him, I don't think remembers anything." Magnus stopped, looked at his children with worried expressions then started pacing again.

"Dad!" Both Max and Rafe exclaimed in unison and sighed.

"Dad, please stop pacing! For real! I'm a vampire yet I'm also feeling dizzy! And what do you mean by do not slip? Could you please stop talking in riddles!?" Rafe tried to get the answers for the billionth time in this one week. Since the time Magnus was back from the cafe, he was a changed man. He only told them that he had decided to move on and found someone at the cafe but nothing else. It was their first date today and Magnus was behaving weirdly ever since.

"Look Rafe-" Magnus started but was cut off by the ring of the doorbell. A panicked expression crossed his face before he took a deep breath then looked at Max and Rafe again. "Last warning, don't slip!" He stated making both men frown with confusion then snapped his fingers to open the door.

As the door opened, a man in a simple black suit with a bouquet of roses stepped in. As soon as Magnus turned towards him, his breath caught in his lungs. The man was looking astonishingly sexy. Same messy raven hairs, same soft hazel eyes, same way of walking but with little more confidence.

"I... I hope this is fine." Alexander stuttered and a light blush appeared on his face noticing how amazingly handsome Magnus was looking with his royal blue suit with perfectly done make-up and spiked up hairs.

Magnus gulped as he kept scanning the man, he had the same deep voice like his ex-husband had. Taking a deep breath, he walked towards the door and gently took the bouquet from his hand with a soft smile and welcomed him in. "You look perfect, Alexander." It felt so right saying that name once again. "Before our date, I want you to meet my sons as I informed you before. Are you ready?"

Shaking the nervous feeling away, Alexander nodded. He didn't know why, but stepping into Magnus home felt like a wave of peace and comfort washing over him. Like this was something he was missing his entire life, and he finally found it. Slowly and steadily, he walked in and noticed two men sitting on the couch. Both looked worried for some reason and he felt like running towards them and wrapping them in a tight hug to assure that everything will be okay, even though he didn't even know them yet. 'Strange!' He thought to himself.

Magnus gulped as they walked towards the couch. "Max, Rafe, this is Alexander. Alexander, these are my sons, Max Lightwood Bane and Rafael Lightwood Bane." He held his breath when Max and Rafe stood up, eyes widened with shock as they looked between Alexander and him. 'You feel the same, right?' he mouthed, hoping they feel the same as they did with their Papa.

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