We always seem to find a way back to each other.

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Their hands were intertwined as they both were standing in their balcony, the dusk was falling in the background and Magnus was resting his head on the shadowhunter's chest, hugging him tightly, his eyes were closed and Alec was looking at him fondly while kissing him on top of his head. Their kids, Max and Rafe were hugging their legs while looking at them with a huge grin on their faces.

That was the picture Magnus was holding as he remembered the fond memory behind, it was Magnus' birthday which he was finally able to tell his shadowhunter after years of making their trust stronger, and Alec being himself, planned something special with their kids involved, and Magnus couldn't be happier when he found out the beautiful surprise his family, his husband planned for him.

A tear escaped from his eyes and fell on the picture as he remembered that day, those moments he spent with his shadowhunter, the memories had starting to fade and he wasn't liking it. He didn't want to forget his Alexander, yet the brain had a weird way of functioning and the beautiful face was starting to blurring from his eyes.

50 years, it had been 50 years since his husband, his Alexander died from the old age, and the warlock had shut everyone out from his life after his death. He was broken beyond repair. The shadowhunter lived a complete cycle and just like others, he left the warlock with his cursed immortality.

Not a single day goes by when Magnus doesn't look at the box his Alexander left for him, there was an infinite number of letters addressed to him, numerous pictures of them together, with their family, his arrowhead, a beautiful necklace with half heart pendant, and finally his wedding ring. He remembered the last thing Alec told him before dying. He wanted him to move on, live a happy life, but he couldn't. His Alexander was special and he can never love someone the way he loved him. He didn't want to. He wants to cherish the memories as long as he could.

"Dad?" The voice broke Magnus from his depressing thoughts and he wiped his tears before looking at the person. It was Max. He had his glamour on and he was always amazed how their kids took after Alec regarding their height. Both of them were over 6 feet and found their better half as soon as they turned 20.

"Hey..." Magnus said in his croaked voice.

Max walked towards his father and saw the box laying on his father's lap. He sighed and squeezed his shoulder lightly.

"I miss papa too, dad. But you need to move on, that's what he wanted. He wouldn't be happy if he'd seen you like this."

"How can I, Max? I can never love anyone else. Not like the way I loved your papa. My heart and soul belongs to him."

It would be an understatement of the century to say Max was getting tired of hearing the same thing from the last 50 years. He and Rafe tried, again and again, to convince their dad to move on, but seemed to be stuck in those memories. Yes, they missed their papa too, but they have their own lives and kids to handle. They were happy and sad at the same time when Rafe turned immortal. At least they won't lose another member of their family. His wife, Keira, was a vampire and he fell head over heels for her and gave up shadowhunting to turn into a vampire and live happily with her. They were now married and had a happy family. It was really ironic how their family was always big on sacrificing themselves for others.

"Dad.." Max spoke softly, he couldn't see his father like that, but no one can lift his mood, cheer him up as their papa could. And how they all sometimes wished to have their papa back. "It's... it's Papa's death anniversary soon. Please don't ignore it again." He pleaded, Magnus never attended whenever they visited their Papa's grave, hell, he didn't even attend his funeral and refused to come out of his room for months. They were always glad that Aunt Cat and Aunt Izzy were there for him at that time.

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