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You might be gold but I love Silver •Part 2•


Soft drizzles were pouring down from the grey sky onto the glass door of the small shop outside of which an officer was pacing around. It was a cold afternoon time in Milan and most of the people had taken shelter under the roofs of several shops. After a few moments of pacing, the officer opened the door of the shop and walked towards the reception.

"Mi scusi, è questo il negozio della signora Isabelle Lewis?"

With a little hesitation, the receptionist replied. "Sì, agente. È mia moglie. È dentro con un cliente. Che cosa c'é?"

"Riguarda il caso di Johnathan Lightwood. Puoi chiamarla per favore?"


"Simon, who's there?" Izzy's voice came from inside.

"Babe, can you come out for a minute?"

"What is- Oh, Salve, agente. Che cosa c'é?" She questioned, looking highly professional in her black jeggings and white shirt, paired with long black coat and knee length boots.

"Immagino che tu sia più a tuo agio a parlare inglese?"

"Yeah, I am." Izzy answered professionally.

"Mrs. Isabelle Lewis, this is regarding your brother's case." The officer said.

Izzy sighed and leaned over the reception desk. "Officer, I've told this to several police officers and lawyers before. I and my husband are not going to withdraw this case. Johnathan had tried to rape my husband. Why does he think we'll ever withdraw this case and let him roam freely? Besides, I've also mentioned that it's not the first time Johnathan Lightwood had tried to rape someone. Seven years ago, he tried to rape my friend Magnus Bane when we used to live in New York. So my answer is still the same, a big no. He and Maryse Lightwood can rot in hell."

The officer looked between the couple and sighed. "I'm tired of telling the same to your mother, Mrs. Lewis. But she's still stubborn and a powerful businesswoman. She's adamant about freeing her son from all the charges you both had put on Johnathan Lightwood."

"Officer," Simon spoke. "He tried to rape me three years ago and I may add he would be successful if my wife here wouldn't have found us, which I'm forever thankful for. Why is this case taking so long? How is he able to apply for bail again and again?"

"You know the answer to that Mr. Lewis." The officer sighed.

"And you know our answer as well, officer. I'm not withdrawing the case." Simon answered.

"Okay Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, I'll let Mrs. Lightwood know your decision." The officer said then opened the glass door resulting in few dribbles pouring inside the shop and left straight towards his bike.

"You okay, Izzy?" Simon stood up, walked towards Izzy, and wrapped his arms around his wife's waist who leaned into his touch.


"Isabelle." The client, Raphael Santiago spoke who was standing at the passageway. "Are you both okay?"

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