Lost willpower •Part 2•

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*One month later*

Magnus was sitting beside the hospital bed, his boyfriend's hand clasped between his, eyes puffy with tears still streaming down his face as he kept begging him to wake up. One month ago, he thought he lost the love of his life, but fortunately, he just lost consciousness and was brought to the hospital on time.

They both were heavily injured that day, Magnus was admitted for two weeks, he had many scars, head bleeds, a broken wrist which was mostly fixed now but he was still wearing a cast, had some permanent scars from seat belt but luckily for him, he wasn't that bad. But Alec, he was still unconscious, out of the danger zone but had several injuries.

When admitted, Alec had lost so much blood that it scared the hell out of everyone because he can receive blood from only his own blood group and the blood bank was out of stock of his type. They searched and even blood tests of his family were held but they were losing hope until they finally found the person which turned out to be Raphael Santiago. Magnus was forever grateful for his friend but Raphael waved it off, saying that Alec wasn't just Magnus' boyfriend but his close friend too.

In this one month, Alec was getting treated for so many things, he had several facial injuries which will definitely lead to long lasting scars, his shoulder was dislocated, had a whiplash, his arm was broken, had so many injuries because of the broken glass shards, but there was one injury which gave everyone a big shock. And they all were scared to tell that to the man whenever he wakes up. He had been in and out of consciousness barely for seconds giving them hope that he could wake up soon.

"Darling... look I brought your favourite Indonesian dish again. Please wake up. *sniff* You love it, right? I'll bribe with the doctors to let you eat this. Just... wake up now, please... wake up..." He started sobbing and rested his head on the edge of the bed, hands still holding his Alexander's limb ones.

Alec's mind was surfacing to the edge, he was struggling yet he knew his body was at rest. Something was telling him that it was time to wake up from his slumber and it was echoing again and again. Following that voice, he tried to move his head and his eyes slowly opened, noticing the dim light and a weird smell that reminded him of the hospital. The soft yet irritating beeping of heart monitor confirmed that he indeed was, but something else caught his attention, a sob, a very familiar sob. Carefully, he tilted his head and was met with his boyfriend's disheveled soft black hair resting over the edge.

"Magnus?" He asked in his groggy voice.

Magnus' head snapped up and was met with the familiar unique blue eyes looking at him longingly. They were so dull that it hurt his heart to see him in that condition, he wanted them to shine with happiness forever.

"Alexander..." He breathed out. "You woke up!"

"I did!" Alec tried to smile for his boyfriend but it didn't reach his eyes. Looking around, he noticed that it was dark outside and the pin drop silence told him that it was midnight. Sighing, he tried to sit up but was quickly stopped by Magnus.

"Hey, careful. Let me help."

He nodded but felt that something was wrong, really wrong. He tried to put his weight on his lower body but realised that he couldn't feel his legs. With the help of his boyfriend he sat up a little but his mind was going towards his legs again and again.

"Am... am I under anesthesia? I can't feel my legs, Magnus."

Magnus gulped, fearing for his reaction. "Hey... just calm down, okay? Have some water." He said but to his horror, Alec already had reached down to feel his legs and found emptiness below the sheets on his left side. "Alexander no!" But before he could stop, Alec had already removed the blanket.

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