My immortal boyfriend

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•Part 2 of What are you?•

Dedicated to egurerk hope you'll enjoy it.


A loud scream echoed in the shared apartment of Alec and Magnus, making Magnus run like a speed of light to their bedroom, who was preparing dinner for both of them.

"Alexander, darling what happened?" Magnus looked at the shaking man, who had gone pale like he had seen a ghost and was looking through the open bathroom door.


"M... M..." He pointed his hand towards the bathroom, still shaking like a leaf, lips parted and trembling and eyes wide with horror.

"Darling, was is it?"

"Gh.. ghost!" He finally choked out. "Th.. there's a gho...ost... Aaaaahhhh! Magnus!" He jumped on his boyfriend, clinging for his dear life, when he saw that thing again, eyes tearing up with fear as they fell on Magnus' silky nightgown.

"Babe, calm down!" Magnus rubbed soothing circles on his boyfriend's back to calm the poor scared man. "Let me see!"

"NO!" Alec screamed and clung to him. "No, please, don't leave."


"Aleccccc, come to me, Aleccc!" A creepy female voice echoed in the room making Alec tighten his grip on Magnus' robe. "Aaaaleecccc, I'm waiting for you, Aleccc."

"Ma... Magnus!" Few tear drops escaped from the poor boy's eyes and fell on Magnus' robe who was literally shaking terribly.

"Who is there!? Show yourself!" Magnus yelled, making the taller man hide behind him.

"Magnus, what... what are you doing?"

"Calm down, babe! Nothing's-"


Alec jumped and screamed on top of his lungs when a twisted figure came out of the bathroom door, it was walking on all fours, waist twisted twice like a coil, her dark black hairs parted from centre and falling on the blood-red face, eyes completely white contrasting the skinless face, making Alec's heart racing twice it's speed, as he grabbed his boyfriend's hand in a death grip who wasn't budging from his place.

Magnus opened and closed his mouth, twice, thrice, like a breathing fish, not believing what he was seeing.

"What the fuck, Kri!?" He yelled, making Alec's eyes going wide.

"M.. Magnus!? Have you gone insane? Let's get out of here, come on!" Alec tried dragging his boyfriend out of the room but it went only in vain. The figure kept approaching them as Magnus kept glaring her, he could see right through the glamour and wasn't liking it. He hated tears in his boyfriend's eyes no matter what the cause or person.

"Stop it, Kri! I'm warning!"

But the figure didn't stop, she grabbed Alec's leg making him jump and falling on the floor. "Aalecccc!"

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