My boyfriend's a cat-fox.

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Special dedication _ egurerk

The characters here are from my book _ SHAPESHIFTED. For the ones who have read it, you know what you're in for, and for the ones who haven't, hope you'll enjoy it.

P. S. The storyline is different here, only the characters are taken from the book.


The keys jingled as Alec slowly turned them in the keyhole and opened the door of the Magnus' loft then slowly stepped in, took out his boots, thigh holster, weapons, and jacket and placed them in the wall shelf and hanger attached to the right side of the door, wore his regular slippers which were already kept there and stepped into the living room.

Being a shadowhunter and on top of it, the Head of the Institute wasn't an easy job. Especially not when you have the responsibility of all the residents of Institute who are nothing but a pain in his ass for always calling him names and doubting his leadership skills because of his relationship with The High Warlock of New York City, Magnus Bane. And to top all of it, his parents always keep fighting because of the sexual orientation of all their children and that was a strain none of them were able to bear.

He was gay, his best friend and brother, Jace Herondale was pansexual, his sister Isabelle Lightwood was bisexual and his youngest brother, Max, who was 13 years old was bi too, which caused a big drift between his parents. His mother, Maryse Lightwood was supportive but his father, Robert Lightwood was a big orthodox homophobic asshole and always tried to make them 'normal', claiming that someone did black magic on his children to tarnish the Lightwood's name. They were tired of their parent's fight and they all were aware that Maryse was trying to divorce him but Robert wasn't letting that happen, so it was complete chaos in their family.

Today was the same as ever, he went back to the Institute after a great and successful mission with his siblings only to find their parents fighting again making a scene in front of the whole institute. Being the Head, Alec had to get in between them resulting in a fight between him and Robert, causing all of them to leave the Institute. Maryse went to her dear friend, Catarina Loss' house, Jace to his boyfriend Simon's apartment who was a vampire, Izzy to Clary and her's shared apartment which they brought for just in case, Max to his crush's with Maryse, who is Catarina's daughter Madzie Loss, and him to Magnus'.

"Love, I'm home!" He shouted as he sat on the couch with his legs resting on the glass table in front of him and leaned back on the couch. Since the time he was in a relationship, the institute never felt like a home to him, Magnus' apartment was and he had no shame in accepting that.

His head was feeling heavy and throbbing like hell because of the headache but suddenly it actually became heavy and he felt something really silky soft tickling against his neck. He tilted his eyes up as much as possible and met with a bright golden ones, looking at him worriedly.

A smile crept on his face as he reached out his hand to caress that tiny face. "Meaaaw!" Magnus let out softly and happily.

"What are you doing up on my head, Love?"

•'Destressing my boyfriend.'• Magnus answered through telepathy and started kneading over his head making Alec flutter his eyes close as he let out a satisfactory moan. His fox-like tail wiggled against his boyfriend's neck causing it to tickle and Alec's body shivered with the sensation it caused.

"Mind your tail, Magnus. Know what, come down here, this headache won't go that easily." He sighed and patted his lap as he stopped the wagging tail with his right hand and tilted his eyes up again only to meet with the upside-down head and bright golden eyes looking at him contently.

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