You might be gold but I love Silver.

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I took a different take for this story, so I hope you guys will like it. And Max doesn't exist in this story.

P. S. Sorry, not sorry. 😈


"MAGNUS! Oh my god! Finally, I've missed you so much!" Izzy ran towards Magnus and tightly hugged her best friend whom she met after a long time then kissed his cheek.

"Isabelle! It's nice to meet you too!" Magnus smiled nervously as he grabbed his luggage and they walked towards Izzy's car from the airport. They both were best friends and had decided to collaborate their companies so for that Magnus had come to New York from Paris.

They both had studied together at IAF Paris University and had recently started their startups which were running great so they decided to combine their company as one.

Magnus had been first time to New York, moreover, he was going to meet Izzy's family for the first time and he was nervous as hell. From what he knew from Izzy's ranting in college, she only had a brother, Johnathan Lightwood and they lived with their parents. Not to mention that her family was really strict. They only appreciated hard work and success and cast down the ones who are any less or are failures. That always got under his nerves and he always wondered how Izzy is such an amazing person when her parents have a mentality like that. Maybe because they always loved her as she had always been the topper and now a successful and famous fashion designer.

"Magnus! Earth to Magnus!" Izzy snapped her fingers in front of Magnus' face and he blinked then looked at his surroundings and noticed the car had already started moving.

"Sorry." He mumbled while fidgeting his fingers.

"What were you thinking? And why are you looking so nervous?"

"Isabelle, are you sure me staying at your place is a good idea? I can get a hotel and we can meet wherever we want."

Izzy sighed then held her best friend's hand. "Magnus, first, I won't let you stay in a hotel when you're in my city, and second, my family won't eat you. So relax."

Magnus let out an audible deep breath and nodded.

"Oh, but I must warn you, my brother is a big flirt, he will attack you like a snack, so beware of him."

Magnus frowned. "Thanks for the warning, but... how are your parents okay with his sexuality with a mentality like... you know."

"They are okay with it, besides, it doesn't matter to them, what matters is our name and fame."

"So as long as you are rich and famous, they are acceptable, if you're any less, you're a piece of shit!" He stated boldly and Izzy chose to ignore the comment.

The next fifteen minutes ride went in silence and when they reached Izzy's home Magnus' jaw was completely dropped. In front of his eyes was a big expensive modern bungalow, designed in a classic way, with classic black and white colors but with a modern twist to it.

"Wow, I can't believe it! You four live in this giant luxury!"

"Welcome to my house, Magnus!" Izzy grinned. "I'm glad you loved it. There's also a big pool in our backyard and a playroom too. Me and Jace spend most of our time in it, trying to beat each other in his favourite games. Come in!" Magnus smiled back as they walked in.

"MOM! DAD! JACE! MAGNUS IS HERE!" Izzy screamed making Magnus covered his ears.

"Give me a warning, woman!" Magnus shook his head.

"Oops! Sorry." Izzy smiled sheepishly and soon they heard footsteps coming near them.

"Hello, Magnus. Nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you from Izzy. I'm Maryse, this is my husband Robert and my son Johnathan." Maryse smiled sweetly and shook hands with Magnus, but for an observer like him, he instantly recognised her smile as political and not genuine, making him uncomfortable. He hated fake people like them but still, he smiled back, they were Izzy's parents.

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