I will carry you.

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Its a songfic with human AU. Hope you guys will like it.


~~I know it hurts
It's hard to breathe sometimes
These nights are long
You've lost the will to fight
Is anybody out there?
Can you lead me to the light
Is anybody out there?
Tell me it'll all be alright~~

Several pills were scattered around the bathroom floor, the plastic containers were rolling on the floor as the man was holding a fistful of them, his hands were shaking as he was sitting under the shower fully clothed, the water was soaking through his clothes and forming a giant pool leading to the bathroom door, but he didn't care. He just wanted to die.

Gulping, he brought his other hand to wipe the tears, which were mixing with the running water. He was so done with his life. He was useless, a burden to every person around him. To his husband, to his family. He hated the pity he received.

Around six months ago, he got into a really bad car accident after losing a really important business proposal. That accident changed everything, turned his world upside down. He lost his left eyesight and complete hearing loss of a left ear, temporary paralysis of his left side, had severe back and muscle injuries, temporary vocal cord paralysis, his pelvis was damaged badly, and had numerous scars on his whole body. When he was recovered he found out he lost his complete business, except for a few startups. That led to depression and increased PTSD. His self-confidence and self-esteem went from a hundred to zero. He became self-conscious, lost everything except his husband. He couldn't understand what his husband see's in him anymore. He was nothing but a mess. He wasn't himself anymore.

He looked at the pills in his hand and took one last deep breath but before he could swallow them he heard a loud yell and his hand was slapped harshly.

~~You are not alone
I've been here the whole time singing you a song
I will carry you, I will carry you~~

"Magnus!" Alec ran towards his husband as soon as he opened the bathroom door. The floor was completely flooded but he didn't care. He quickly threw the pills Magnus was about to swallow and held his hand gently.

"Al... Alexander! No, let me die. Let me die, please. I'm useless. I'm useless!"

"Hey, shh! Shh! You're not useless, love." Alec hugged him tightly and let him cry on his shoulder, his husband had become so much suicidal recently that it scares him every time he sees him with anything sharp or harmful. "Come on, let's get you dried up and on the bed!"

"Why... *cough* why do you care, Alexander? I can't see you properly, I can't hear you properly. These permanent scars, these injuries, I'm not myself anymore. I'm this ugly mess, why do you love me?"

"Hey," Alec said softly. "There's nothing ugly about you." He cupped his face and kissed his forehead as he rubbed his thumb gently on his cheeks.

Even though Magnus couldn't see him properly, he still looked into those sapphire blue eyes he fell in love with hopelessly and saw nothing but honestly, truth, and infinite love. He couldn't understand but held onto his husband when he picked him up and closed the shower.

~~I know you can't remember how to shine
Your heart's a bird without the wings to fly~~

Alec didn't care that his business suit was completed drenched, all he cared about was Magnus. He came back home in the hope to take his husband on a nice dinner but had a tiny heart attack when he saw water flooding the living room. He ran towards the bedroom which was already flooded then to the main source, the bathroom. His heart shattered seeing Magnus like that.

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