Lost willpower •Part 3•

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It was an early Sunday morning, the sun hadn't risen yet but the sky was a beautiful tint of blue, clear, and calm. Magnus was sipping on his large mug of strong coffee, glancing at the pile of clothes and scraps of papers and magazines on the floor. He was cleaning their room while his boyfriend slept peacefully on the couch in the living room.

In these recent months, he had started to take leaves on Saturdays and worked from home if necessary because he knew Alec needed him and he wanted to be there for him, give him all the time he can. The same went for yesterday. They had a lazy Saturday, Alec laid on Magnus' lap while he worked in the morning, had a suicidal episode at the time of lunch again but Magnus calmed him down, then they had a movie marathon and Alec fell asleep midway on Magnus' lap, Magnus had to wake him up for dinner which was Alec's favourite McD and cheese burst pizza, then after giving him his meds, the poor man fell asleep again. Because of so much sleeping, Magnus woke up two hours ago so he decided to clean their room which was untouched for months or years he didn't even know.

Keeping the mug aside, he stood up, walked towards the closet, and pulled down everything from it, emptying all the shelves and racks, feeling guilty for ruining Alec's perfectly folded shirts. Sighing, he picked up everything and kept on the bed, noticing the scraps and bundles of papers/notebooks/mini pads that fell from one of the drawers of Alec's side. He shook his head at his boyfriend, what kind of collection was he trying to make?

He was about to pick all of it to sort out all the scraps from it when his eyes fell on one of the neatly folded paper which had Lone Wolf written over it with a tiny wolf face drawn beside it. 'Typical Alexander.' he thought to himself, he knew his boyfriend and his love for arts. When curiosity got the better of him, he carefully opened the paper to read it but went completely speechless.


I felt the softest breath
Entangling my senses
Waking up from the lazy death
That block my defenses.

I looked into those golden eyes
That fixed upon mine
The one that whispers your demise
Then I heard the softest whine.

Your white fur was silky under my touch
Then I heard your whimper of joy
The one that says you love me as much
The love I won't let anyone destroy.

You lay above me breathing rhythmically
Then suddenly out of the blue
I remembered when I caressed you adorably
When you came into my view.

You were camouflaging the snow
Your tiny eyes were what drew me to you
You ran into my arms and said hello
That's when I knew that love at first sight is true.

Since then we are inseparable
It's always just us two
We both know how much life is miserable
'cause I'm a lone wolf just like you.


(A/N: © scrawled_dreams, i.e. mines)

Magnus stood there speechless for some time then folded the paper like he found it and looked at other papers and books only to find out that all of them had some kind of poetries, one-liners, short stories, long stories, documentations, and so much more written on it in his boyfriend's beautiful handwriting. It was a literal collection of his creative works.

Making a bundle of all of it, he kept it aside and gazed at it with awe. He knew his boyfriend was a journalist and loved reading but this, he had no idea that man has so many talents but he couldn't understand why he never knew? Why his boyfriend hid all this from him? even though they lived together for two years now. Was he insecure? Scared? Keeping those thoughts aside, he got back to cleaning the mess that his room was.

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