The Arena's Sponsorship

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Years of backbreaking labor that's what I thought he meant by that whole villainous speech but as I and the kid sat beside him watching people be viciously ripped apart by a giant crustacean humanoid as the crowd screamed for more blood one of the poor bastard's eyes landed on my lap.

Lucky Seven placed his arms around our shoulders and said (Don't worry your little heads those idiots went into the arena without a sponsor meaning no good gear, Guns, Armor, Cosmic-Stems, Combat-Stems hell even basic hard earn cash was completely out of their reach.

I didn't want to seem like an idiot but I just had to ask ( What are Combat-Stems Or Cosmic-Stems ) He looked at me and busted out laughing but paused when he realized I was serious he answered with. ( Combat-Stems are basically body modifiers making you stronger or faster even pushing your body Beyond human limits but at the cost of pushing your body too hard and breaking it)

( Cosmic-Stems are almost the exact opposite giving normal humans psychic abilities like telekinesis, pyrokinesis, hydrokinesis, Precognition, Telepathy etcetera. sounds cool right but Cosmic-Stems come with more severe consequences like psychosis, short-term schizophrenia, Memory loss etcetera just be careful when using the stuff, your boss really did shelter you from all this hmmm)

I didn't realize how much I didn't know about this unwater world until then how long was he going to keep me in the dark about this new world I found myself trapped in, I know he probably did it to protect me from the many of the city but still, I was pretty upset that a child had better streel smarts than me. 

As I was thinking about this a giant crab claw was thrown into the crowd below us and I heard an unhinge savage laughter as I looked down into the arena to see a tall built woman covered in scars and rags standing on top of the now dead sea beast wielding a buzzsaw while wearing a rusted diving helmet.

She looked up at us and gave us a bloodly thumbs up, Lucky Seven nodded back and said ( say hello to your new teammate, gave her a wave because first Impressions are everything after all she is called Señorita Salvaje which means in Spanish miss savage, she is one poor victim of the good doctor experiments driving her over the edge into maddest.

( Away The Famous Dunwich Family is her Sponsor and they are willing to be yours too if you impress them or rather The Young Duchess who owns this branch of business, give her a reason to believe In you, and you be swimming in money and premium gear that, surviving  the arena becomes child's play) 

you might be wondering why don't you just sponsor us yourself if you are so powerful and rich, now listen here you two because I'm only going to say this once I am a big fish in a small pond, at the end of the day I hold as much power and social class as you on the outside world meaning if this big fish makes too many big waves sooner or later a fisherman will show up.

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