History Of The Sinking City

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Legend tells of a mysterious God before the universe was reborn, a god impossibly ancent one come to be before even The God Of Man came into existence a God that outlives many of his ancient rivals and for these other gods that survive he just watching them slowly being driven insane by the infinite void of a dead, he power was said to be so great universe he can rip galaxies apart with just wave a limb.

This unknowable horror existed for many eons until finally, our universe gave birth to New Gods and goodness and they created life to worship them across the massed unknowable Universe but the ancient god was insulted by their infant attempts to create life and their need to compare yourselves to his greatest.

So without warning, it begins slaughtering gods and goddesses while also wiping out, their creations in doing so their worshippers death beung weakening The Gods and Goodness until finally all The Gods and Goddess had enough

 Viciously Butchered The Ancient god, but The Ancient god won't die so instead they mutilated the ancient god, and the god of the menkind drag the mutilated ancient god's body to the bottom of the ocean and with the help of the other gods sealed him away and the god of mankind and his child swear to never let him escape.

 Says The Legend But This Part Is Fact And Not Fiction

The Sinking City has always been there waiting, lost to the countess Past Dead civilizations until finally being discovered only a few centuries ago, by the U.S.A but mostly by the scientists who didn't go insane from deciphered the old text and realizing the great danger beneath The Sinking City.

They soon found out that the chains keeping the wounded ancient god at bay was beginning to break a hard decision had to be made a decision that would doom countless innocent lives, to unknowable Horrors throughout the many decades of using slaves, prisoners, and the mentally disabled even woman and child won't safe until finally they simply give up.

Most cannot handle the extreme guilt and shame, also unforgivable acts they had to commit just in the hopes of buying humanity another century of existence was not enough to ease their troubled minds but when World War II ended, the U.S.A shared the existence of The Chain Ancient God with the world governments.

The World Governments decided to hide the ancient god from the rest of the world and help fund Project Sinking City, turning a once-ancient city into a near-modern one and classifying the city as a Redzone in other words highly top secret.

But somehow purposely or otherwise many of  the local richist families and local companies found out about the city especially the unrestricted access of customers and workers the government similarly abandoned they took over the city and stared building small Empires inside the city and on the surface making the rest pretty much history.

As I read the book I couldn't help but feel completely unease what happened to the government, are we still working on that chains, was the story about the gods a metaphor or exaggeration, why did they need slaves and prisoners to work on chains, there were too many questions and not enough answers.

But I Couldn't Shake The Feeling I Didn't Want Them

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