Villains Rise (Edited)

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Spencer and I went through a portal he made and landed near a lake.

"So what do we do first?" I asked him.

"Well, we should go to the edge of the enchanted forest to find this "old friend" my grandpa mentioned earlier," He told me.

"But who is he or she?" I asked curiously.

"The Snow Queen."


I was in the gathering area during the free period with Kira and my lazy cousin Cyrus, thinking of a way to get rid of those good-for-nothing grandkids.

"You know, Vicky, I heard a rumor that Rose is missing, and no one knows where she is," Kira exclaimed.

"That leaves five of them left and a lot less for me to do," Cyrus said as he was about to nap.

"Get Up, Cyrus!" I yelled at him.

"There has to be a reason for rose not to be here, but what." I thought.

My thoughts were interrupted by Kira's magic snow globe ringing.

"Ugh! What does my mom want now?" she asked, very annoyed.

"Hello, Kira, dear." I hear her mom say.

"Hi, Mom. What is it this time?" Kira asked.

"What! You think just because I call you, I need you to do something for me," she said defensively.

"Then why did you call?" Kira asked.

"I need you three to go to the edge of the enchanted forest," she told us.

"Why there?" I asked.

"They're two people waiting for you there. One of them is the grandson of an old friend of mine," She explained.

"But what about the other?" Kira asked.

"All I can say is that she doesn't remember who she is." She said with an evil smile.

Kira and I looked at each other, wondering what she meant.

"Anyways, I hope you all have fun." She said and hung up, leaving us confused.

"My mother can be so weird sometimes," Kira said, irritated.

"Anyways, we better see who your mom wants us to be."

We both turned to Cyrus, who fell asleep.

We both slapped our foreheads, and I walked up to him.

"CYRUS, GET UP!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled in his ear.

"Ugh! Vicky, I was sleeping, not dead." He said, annoyed.

"Come on, we need to go to the enchanted forest!" Kira told him.

"But, it's so far." He exclaimed

I went closer to him and grabbed him by the ear.

"We're going now!" I told him as I pulled him to the dragon arena and, got into our regal armor, flew to the enchanted forest.

(15 minutes later)

When we got there, we looked around to see if anyone was there, until we heard voices.

"Who's there? I'm not afraid to use dark magic on you." I exclaimed.

Soon a boy who looked around our age walked from behind the bushes.

Regal Academy: The Evil Rose *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now