The Choice (Edited)

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We flew on my dragon back to Cinderella Castle.

The only thing I could hear was the wind that I passed through me, the sound of our dragon's wings flapping, and the quiet sound of everyone crying.

I was ahead of everyone since I was carrying Rose. I looked down at her and as I did a tear fell on my face.

I didn't what to do or what to say, so I just stayed silent not caring who saw me crying, even my granny who is sitting behind me.

"Hawk, are you ok?"

I looked up to see my dragon looking at me and asking me that.

I just stayed silent and let my tears do the talking.

He then turned around and I was able to see Cinderella Castle.

When we landed I took Rose into her room and placed her on her bed.

"Is there any way to bring her back?" I hear Joy ask.

"I don't think there is." Astoria's granny said.

Right after she said that I heard someone open the door and slammed it shut.

I looked behind me, to realize that Granny Cinderella wasn't in the room anymore.

"I'll talk to her." Rose's mom said and she went after her mom.

"Can I please be alone?" I asked the others.

"Hawk, I don't know if that's-" Astoria was about to say but I cut her off.

"Please," I beg.

They all look at each other and they all left the room.


"Poor Hawk," Travis said when he shut the door.

"This is harder on him than the rest of us." Ling Ling said.

"Him and Headmistress Cinderella," Shawn said.

Ling Ling and Shawn are right. We all knew how Hawk felt about Rose. And we know that Rose likes him too. But now he'll never be with her. And Granny Cinderella lost her only granddaughter only knowing her for three years.

"I just wish Rose was with us," Joy said sadly.

"We all do," I said.


I looked around the castle for my mom, but I couldn't find her. She wasn't even in the hall of shoes. She's always there.

"Okay, if I was Cinderella, and I just lost the only grandchild I had, where would I be to be alone from everyone." I thought till I figured it out.

I went into her room, and into her walk-in shoe closet where I found her on the floor crying in her high heels.

I knew exactly why she was so sad, and a few tears filled my eyes.

"Mom?" I called out.

She turned to me and wiped the tears off her face.

"Clara, what are you doing here?" She asked weakly.

"I came looking for you," I said walking up to her.

"How did you know I was here?"

"Well, first your Cinderella so you would probably hide in a place that has a bunch of shoes. Second, you probably hide in a place you think no one would find you. And third, remember hiding in here whenever I was sad when I was little." I told her sitting next to her.

Regal Academy: The Evil Rose *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now